Heartbreaking game

Friday was the State Championship game for Stephen’s team in football. He was so excited and nervous. If they would have won this game they would have gotten rings and big patches for the back of their letterman jackets. Everyone predicted us to get creamed and to possibly not even score but the ending score was 28 to 27…we lost by ONE point. It came down to our last touchdown which put us at 27 and they could have either let Stephen kick for the extra point and tie the game and go into overtime or go for the two points. Stephen had already put on his kicking shoe and was headed out on the field but the coach called him back and said they were going for the two points. We didn’t make it. It was SO close…within inches. At first I was upset that they didn’t let him kick to tie the game because he had already kicked three field goals that game and made all three but now I understand that he had to go for the two because that would have won the game for them. I’ve never come close to crying before at a game but I did this one. Just seeing Stephen go down on the sideline with his head in his hands was heartbreaking…it meant so much to all of them.

I took 60 pictures at this game so will share a few :-).

Running out on the field at the beginning of the game. He is number 72.

Setting up the ball for the first kick-off. Notice he has on his black kicking shoe the coach got him. Just that one shoe was over $200.00.

Kicking his second field goal.

Here he is up against the other team’s number one player. Really, this guy was almost their whole team. He carried the ball 51 times but we were very good at stopping him. Without this one guy we would have had no problem beating them. He’s already signed up to play at a college…LSU.

Jose’ (in blue) on the sideline with a camera man. The coach gave Jose’ a field pass so he was able to be right down there with the team.

Looking up into the stands…I really like this picture of him.

This was right after the game was over…both teams praying together. Notice how our number 75 and their number 14 are holding hands.

Walking back to the locker room after the game. I felt so bad for them.

For the first 45 minutes of the game we were sitting in the rain with our umbrellas and rain coats but then it cleared up and the sun even came out for about 15 minutes. Luckily the cold front didn’t hit until after the game and then it hit fast. When we left the game the temperature was maybe 75 and by the time we got home it was 43. Here is the front we saw on the way home…it was scary looking!!

It’s still cold today, 46 right now, and I am loving it. I’m making chili for supper…that’s always a good cold weather meal. I’m sure, though, it will be back up in the 70’s in a few days.

That’s all for now…hope you enjoy all the pictures :-).

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December 2, 2006

i remember when my high school football team made it to state, my senior year. we didn’t even score. the other team beat us – 14-0. so tell stephen not to feel too bad about the game. he did the best he could. his whole team did. and just think if they got this close this year, what are they gonna do next year?? 🙂

December 3, 2006

Oh, what a heartbreaker. I’m sorry it didn’t work out in their favor. They sure have nothing to be ashamed about though. What a close game, it must have been so exciting to watch. RYN: I read that book For One More Day and really loved it. It was the first book of his that I’ve read.