Happy Birthday Landon!!

Today my baby turned 4…FOUR! I’ve been a little sad today and that’s not like me. I am excited for him to be this age and have looked forward to him being four since he was born. It’s a fun age and he’s just so cute right now. But, I made the mistake of sitting up late last night by myself and watching the tape from the day Landon was born. All four of the kids were so young and Kinley was only four and she sounded just like Landon does now. I knew Kinley had grown a lot lately but seeing her on that tape made me really realize it and it just made me a little sad. I don’t want them to stay little but I do want time to slow down just a little.

We had a party for Landon Sunday before the superbowl game started. I didn’t invite a lot of people…it was just our family, Stephen’s girlfriend and my sister and her three kids. But, it was a perfect day. Landon loves my sister and her kids and just having them here made it a party. He had a Thomas the Train cake and he got a lot of Thomas stuff. But, his favorite gift was two Super Nintendo controllers I got off Ebay. He broke the two we had so hasn’t gotten to play Donkey Kong and Mario for a long time.

I had planned on making chili/frito pies that day but didn’t because Jose’ cooked so much on the grill. He grilled hot wings, chicken legs, ribs and sausage. He also made a sausage dip and my favorite shrimp dip. And of course we had cake and ice cream.

Here are a few pictures from his party.

Just being his silly self. For a long time we had trouble getting a smile out of him but not anymore.

Singing “Happy Birthday”

Blowing out his candles 🙂

This was one of the wind up Thomas trains from Aunt Sherri. You can tell by the look on his face how much he liked it.

Kaylyn, Kinley and my sister’s kids made all these cards for Landon…they are all still hanging on the wall :-). They are all so sweet.

Eating some cake and ice cream.

Today we haven’t done much but as soon as Kinley gets home from school we are going to Sonic for milk shakes and to the grocery store to let him pick out what cake he wants. I’m hoping he picks a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting LOL. I’m sure Kinley will help him pick. I’m also getting something for supper…thinking probably hot dogs since he loves those.


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February 6, 2007

Wow, I can’t believe he is four. Time goes way to fast. I started reading you when he was just a baby. Happy Birthday Landon!

February 6, 2007

Happy birthday, sweet Landon! I can’t get over how he’s grown. I always get a little teary-eyed at my daughter’s birthday when I think of how the years have passed. But there are so many more to look forward to, right? =D *HUGS*

February 6, 2007

*sniffles* I still remember when he was born… it’s SOOO hard to believe he’s 4 now. Where does the time go??? He looks so grown, too. I just can’t get over it. Happy Birthday little man! Know that I’m thinking of ya out here!

February 6, 2007

AWWWWW Happy Birthday to HIM!!!

February 7, 2007

Aww happy birthday Landon!!!!!!!

February 10, 2007

Bailey wanted a Tinker Bell “party” so that is what we did. I made her cookie. Very simple day, just like Landon. =) Happy Birthday my lil baby buddy. No matter where life takes us, you will always be in my thoughts at this time of year. (Your Mom is one special lady!)

February 20, 2007

Awww…Happy Birthday Landon!! He’s such a handsome little guy. His cake came out really good. Mmmmm… We watched home movies of the kids a few weeks back. It’s such a hard thing to watch, I understand!! Seeing how fast the time has gone is really mind blowing and scary. Their little voices are so funny to hear. Make the time slow down!!