
We have flu in the house…Kinley has been sick for a 6 days now. She started running fever Saturday night and ran over 103 all day Sunday. Monday I took her to the doctor and she had a red throat but tested negative for Strep so they didn’t give her a shot. They just gave her an antibiotic to take for 10 days. Well, on Wednesday she was still running a high fever and I suspected it was the Flu. I am not sure why they didn’t test her for the Flu on Monday. I called the doctor on Wednesday and the nurse said if she still had fever on Thursday to bring her back in…which I did and they finally tested her for the Flu. But, at that point why bother? It’s too late for Tamiflu now. When we got home Kinley went to sleep after taking her medicine, around 4:00, and she slept all night until around 9:00 this morning. She has only eaten three times in a week :-(. The doctor called me this morning to tell me she did test positive for the Flu…no surprise to me. She also said it’s too late for Tamiflu..again, no surprise to me. So, she will just have to get well on her own and hopefully she will be better by Monday because she missed a whole week of school.

I have had a taste of homeschooling this week and I think I’ve done a pretty good job. Kinley’s teacher has been sending all her papers home each day and her homework papers. They started on some multiplication and I taught her how to do that, did her English, spelling and reading. Yesterday after taking her back to the doctor I went to the school to get her papers and her teacher said she is sending Kinley’s test papers home with Kaylyn and I can give Kinley her tests over the weekend so she won’t be behind at all when she goes back to school. It makes me feel so good that her teachers trusts me to do that. I was so worried about her going back to school and trying to catch up with those tests.

We had a little fun last weekend before Kinley got sick. Our income tax money came in so we went for our fun day. Kaylyn and I went to Aeropostale. I got some jeans, capris and two shirts and Kaylyn got some khakis, capris and two t-shirts. Stephen couldn’t find anything he wanted but he did get a new PSP game. We went to the movies. Kinley, Landon and I saw Night at the Museum and the others saw that new Eddie Murphy movie…which none of them liked. On the way home we stopped at Walmart and got Kinley and Landon new bikes. Poor Kinley hasn’t even gotten to ride her new bike because she got sick the night we got it and has been sick since :-(.

We got all our bills caught up and put half of our return in savings. Feels so good to be caught up with everything and have money put back.

Oh, Stephen is leaving after school today to go to New Orleans to Mardi Gras. He’s so excited because he’s never been…heck, I’ve never been but I don’t want to. He’s going with some friends of our’s who is taking eight teenagers. I was hesitant to let him go at first because it’s not really safe down there right now but they will be staying with some of her family in another town and they will stick together during the parade. She also promised they will not be going to Bourbon Street or anywhere else like that. I would rather he didn’t go but am letting him and just trusting that everything will be okay.

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February 20, 2007

Poor Kinley!! Sounds like she’s had a horrible week. I didn’t know that kids could take that Tamiflu. That stinks that they didn’t catch it in time for her though. Hope everyone else stays healthy! That’s awesome that you guys got back such a nice return and were able to have some fun with it. Sierra loves Aeropostale too. Her friends seem to be branching out to Hollister and Abercrombie…

February 20, 2007

…which I totally cannot afford. You can get some great deals at Aero. How on earth did you find pants there? I’ve never tried them on there. There’s just too many choices in the pants and I get confused. LOL Hope Stephen has a blast!