Countdown Starts :-)

We are to the single digits now :-)…just nine more days till Christmas. Wow, that got here way too fast!! I don’t like to see the Christmas season end too quickly. I love seeing the lights on my tree, smelling my Christmas scented candles, hearing my clock play a Christmas song every hour and listening to Christmas music on the radio.

The kids’ last day of school was yesterday. They go back on Janurary 3. I’m glad they are out because there were too many sick kids there. They were having huge absences and one class only had one student one day. Most of them had the flu but we also have strep and croup going around. I ended up taking Kinley to the doctor Monday and she had strep and was out monday and tuesday. She’s a lot better but is still c coughing a lot at night. She has trouble taking cough medicine so I give her Sudal and rub her down with Vicks Vaporub and that does seem to help some.

My iron level is still not right. I am so tired all the time and just don’t want to do anything. I’m not cold all the time anymore but that’s probably because we are having weather that is entirely too warm for December. The high today is suppose to be close to 80…that’s just wrong. I’m taking my iron pills twice a day and trying to eat a lot of stuff with iron in it. I’m going to try to go next week to have my levels checked again.

I babysat an 11 month old Wed., Thurs., and Friday. I am so done with the baby stages and glad all of mine are past that. Babies are very sweet and I love them but they are just so much work. I think the stage right before they learn to walk is the hardest because they are too big for a swing or playpen but you have to watch them so close. I thank God I have finally been able to get to the place where I feel done and where I don’t yearn for another baby. I am so glad for that!! I do have moments where I miss nursing a baby…that was such a special time with Landon. I feel sad sometimes that I will never have that again but at the same time am just thankful I had it with one of mine. But anyway, I was really happy when the grandmother picked the baby up yesterday and I was done.

I will be working all day today getting my house clean and getting ready for some company that is coming tomorrow. I am finally going to get to meet an online friend. I have never done that and part of me is very nervous but mostly I am just very excited. I’ve known this lady for almost six years and I really don’t think she will feel like a stranger. Her and her daughter will be coming through here on their way moving to Texas. They are coming from North Carolina. They plan on staying here a few days before going on to Texas. I just have to pull this house together because first impressions to me are so important. The only think I’m worried about is that she is VERY pregnant and even though the baby is not due until January she is already showing signs of having him early. So, we may have a little excitement around here.

We are very close to being done with our Christmas shopping. We will have to go on the 22nd to finish when Jose’ gets paid. I still have to buy for the name I drew at my dad’s, two nieces, Stephen’s girlfriend, stocking stuffers and a few things for the kids. I want to get Kaylyn that hair straightening iron, Landon something Thomas and Kinley one more thing. Jose’s Playstation 2 came in and so did the two games that came with it. I wrapped one of the games and put the other one in his stocking. I got my Christmas cards mailed off and all the packages that had to be mailed. It always feels good to get that done.

Okay, I am rambling now so I’m gonna go and start getting this house clean. I’ll let you all know how my visit goes :-).

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December 16, 2006

Babies ARE soo much work, it tires me out just thinking about it LOL

December 18, 2006

I can’t believe Christmas is going to be here in a week. It just seems so fast this year! Have fun meeting your friend. I think it would be neat to meet some of my friends from here, but I would be nervous too!

December 18, 2006

I wish we could meet. I would love to meet you and all the kids. This stage with Jacob is tiring. Eric is finally done with school and I am looking for a little relief. It’s wishful thinking, but maybe. =) Lots of {{{HUGS}}} and I hope you have a good visit.

December 20, 2006

I’m not taking off much time if any at all other than Christmas day and maybe the next day. We take off lots of days for our homeschool classes, fieldtrips and we were all sick so much in November that we are behind where I would like to be. I am sick about ITW. I hope I can catch it back at least one day to copy/paste some things over here and to delete that diary. Makes me sad and mad. =(