Way Back When…
So, before the Thanos Snap of OD (which it shall now forever be known by), I had another outlet aside from this place. I’ve always been into the fine arts of sorts. All through school I sang. In elementary school because it was a class. Later years it was probably more of an easy A than a passion. I still enjoyed it but especially in high school, it was more of a “Yeah, I can do this. It’s not a hard grade. Just show up, participate, and don’t be a douche and you’re set.” I think a lot of us who participated in artistic classes (choir, band, drama) all had a glimmer of hope that maybe we could do this for a living in some way. I can remember while in show choir in Jr High, a group of us did a barbershop…quintet? Is that a thing? I don’t know. There were five of us guys, and we sang doo-wop songs, or some Elvis Presely. Aside from singing at the school concerts and our own show choir, erm, shows…we even did a show or two outside of it. One of which I still have the pamphlet from somewhere with me, (or it’s in storage…) from the event. That was also during the dark ages of music…the boy band era…(yeah, I said it. Fight me.) So I think we, again, secretly wanted something more to come out of it. Then life comes along and just says, “Nope, that is not your path. Follow me here.” And a majority go off to college. Some just go straight to work. I…joined the military. So I kind of did both. (You earn credits towards an associate’s in Basic Training and Tech School..so, it counts. Right?)
But one thing I always did maintain since my high school days was playing guitar. I played a lot. I learned a lot. All self taught from a computer screen, looking at songs I knew, and learning tablature playing a long. And I did that for quite a while never really branching out and trying my own thing, mostly because I never learned any kind of music theory and never took lessons so I didn’t practice the things I would have, had I hired someone to provide lessons. But I managed. I played well enough for me. Never played in front of, say, more than 5-6 people at any given time. But I didn’t care.
And then…the internet happened. Well, it happened long ago, but advances were coming. MySpace was still a thing and someone posted this small clip of a video they recorded themselves lip-syncing to a song and embedded a video from this small little website called…YouPo…no, umm, YouTube. Yeah, YouTube. And I thought that’d be a great place to record stuff. I could make tutorials (no more than 5 minutes long at the time) instead of trying to do this audio recordings that sounded awful. These two concepts would eventually merge as at some point I stopped recording videos of me playing, and just went with audio recordings that I made videos of a black screen. I don’t know why but if I just record audio, I can play smoothly. When I try video, for some reason I would just mess up. I could start over again and just delete the video until it’s perfect but audio just worked better.
And I did a lot of them. I think I was in the 40’s a few years ago (number of videos, not my age…though I’m almost to the point of the 14th anniversary of my 21st birthday in a month and a half roughly) and generally got a positive response. I even named one after a fellow OD-er as I mentioned in my previous entry. But, passions fade. Interests change. At one point I had 5-6 guitars…now I have two. Only two. Well, three but it’s been warped and I can’t bring myself to get rid of it because I’ve had it since Valentine’s Day 2003. It’s my longest relationship. An inanimate object. My life. And I want to do other things. But, those other things just took me a long time to get to. But I’m there.
Currently anyway. Though I’m in a lull now with this hobby/venture/thing I’ve been paid for once, thing I am doing. And I think I enjoy it more than I think I ever have playing guitar. Maybe I’ve put more effort into this in the last ~3 years than I have in almost 20 years of guitar playing which is why I enjoy it. I watch hours, upon hours of videos every week on this and I don’t get bored. There’s always something to learn. There’s inspiration of ways to do things that are much easier to do if you want unlike the vastly more technical complexities of a musical instrument…to a point. There’s still so much to learn, but I really enjoy it. And I hope to keep doing it for a long time. And I really hope to really get a generous feel of the new one I bought in December that I haven’t taken advantage of how I should so far. But, the weather here sucks. And I work too much at times. But those are lazy excuses.
I’ll just leave these here.
It’s photography. I’m talking about photography.
Well shit I really should’ve RTFM before last night. I love that you’re into photography!! I had no idea (probably because we took like a decade off from speaking to one another). I’m a huge fan of photography. I tried my hand at it, but it just isn’t a thing I do well. It is, however, one of the art forms that speaks to me the most. I’d love to see more of your stuff (can be off OD if you want).
Also what’s our ruling on RTFM. Broken?
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