Close Your Eyes
It’s strange what we can find comfort in sometimes.
About two weeks ago, I was fighting a mad case of, I-shouldn’t-have-taken-a-fucking-nap-in-the-middle-of-the-day…itis. Having spent the last two weeks off work, family coming into town and being busier than normal, I didn’t think falling asleep would be such a hassle. During my insomnia episode, I of course was texting my friends back in the states who seemed quite content on keeping me awake with the constant text tone. I eventually shut the tone off, but way after the fact. Then, just after midnight, I sent a message to another friend, one whom I don’t converse with nearly enough on account of her busy, busy medical school way of life at the moment. Just a small pity party message about how I couldn’t fall asleep, FML. She responded back about 30 minutes later saying she was post call of a 30 hour shift (and I felt slightly douchey for complaining) but to come take some of her sleepy. After a quick chit chat, she said something so simple, and felt so oddly nurturing that I was asleep shortly afterwards.
She said, "Close your eyes."
Now, I don’t know why, but for some reason it just felt soothing. It was like in a moment of panic, something so simple is said or realized that you’re finally able to calm down and relax and just get to whatever you were doing.
A little more tough to explain than I envisioned in my head while thinking of the idea for an entry. But the internet, and life no less, is nothing but random.