happiness_in_a_pill : destroyed like toys
on thursday i got a voicemail on my phone, but i ignored it. i had no credit to check it anyway.
i went to farmers, a general merchandise store in New Zealand. I texr’d my mum to call me so she could come in because it was a card holders sale and i wanted some new clothes. so she calls and i we were talking and then she said "didn’t you check my voicemail…" which got me worried.
she told me someone was going round the corner down the road too fast, lost control, swerved all over the road, and crashed into mine, and my neighbours fence. from what i’ve gathered from the skidmarks on the road, the car swerved off the road, back on, then off again, hit the fence and then the woman tried to swerve off, hit a power pole and then spun through our fence.
i got home when they were repairing the powerpole and as i was driving to, and into, my house i saw it and i was just lost. i was still going in the car, when without thinking, i put the car into park, got out and just gasped. it was bad, it could have been a lot worse but it was bad.
there is glass and plastic bits of the car on the grass and the white-picket fence [our desperate attempt to be normal] was smashed. a section of my neighbours fence was and still is, lying there with the rest of it. Parts of our fence flew around 10 or 20 meters away… it just really shocked me.
my neighbour called my dad, dad called mum, and neighbour called the cops also. the womans apologetic and my mum gave her a hug. i’m still kinda pissed about it… i just wanted to slap her, i mean, it just shows the dangers of speeding, so if you drive and you’re reading this then please don’t speed. this is really bad timing too considering it’s coming up to the one year anniversary of my friends death in a car accident.
in other news, i got some zopiclone to help me sleep. just as well, i need it.
nothing much else has happened compaired to that… not much else can compare.
that’s all for now.
dude, that’s shit. i wouldnt’ want to be in a car accident. but your mom was cool for hugging that poor woman!!! 🙂
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