pixie bob kitten day!
so today julie was nice enough to take my shift at work so that i could go to bellingham with my parents and one of their friends to look at the pixie bob kittens! for those of you who do not know what pixie bobs are heres a link
they are pretty much a cat that looks like a miniature bob cat (but can still get to 23-25 lbs) and acts like a dog (likes to go in water, go everywhere with you in cars, lots of attention, and can be walked on a leash)
and they are freakin expensive…
but its what we want! especially my dad, for some reason hes always wanted one, and since my baby sassy kitty died (i spent a lot of time crying today after looking at the cats thinking of her) he reccommended we go look at some of these. and so we did and i fell emediately in love with a little boy! he is not yet weened so we cant take him home, but we are buying him! so what if he is 1000 dollars….i love him and i want him. and i never get spoiled , i always help around the house,and i never ask for anything ever ,so if my parents want to buy me a cat then i will let them without feeling guilty. ^_^ im very excited! he is so cute and he will grow to be beautiful like the ones on that website! sigh. well , tomorrow its back to work! late!
those pixie bob kittens sound cool. i’d like one but my bro is allergic. ryn: first off, no that’s not me. i’m still in the process of getting there. i agree that he can hold onto me but he’s holding a little too tight. if he paid any attention, he’d know i’m more responsible than he thinks i am (inspite of the occasional smoking). i’m gonna add you to my favs, if you don’t mind.
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theyre pretty cool, but nothing like a pet gorilla. if i could have a pet gorilla id be sooo happy. id name him “gorilla”. Have a Nice Day!
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