goodbye summer

so all the little kiddies are back in school and i just got introduced to a bunch of highschoolers im going to be training at work pretty soon, and i was thinking wow, this summer has gone by super fast! and so, i decided to dedicate this entry to my faveorite memorable pictures of summer 07! with commentary from muah of course…
here we go!

picture number one…

oh yes..the flower girl and the bridesmaids! can you guess which one is me? and whos wedding was it?
find out the answer below!

my sisters wedding! she got married to kimo on june 2nd! a very handsome marine isnt he?

me and my uncles very fat 24 lb cat snowy! no no they dont feed him twinkies…


my cousin matt and i at our family reunion in ny! it was also my grandparents 60th anniversary!

catskill falls in ny! i took so many pictures it was hard to decided which one was my faveorite! it was one of the most beautiful places ive seen in my life!

another picture from catskill falls that i had to include because of how peculiar it is! a rock in a tree? how cool is that?

sigh. see i cant decide! i love this picture of catskill falls as well! look at the shale rock formations!

ai shore do loike them daisy dukes!

best friends *~*forever*and*always*~* <3

lol, you know how i was just sayin best friends? look what she did to my arm! yea! see those fingerprints? lol

thomas, heather,eric,me,and eileen at the gay pride parade! no, im not gay, i just support it!

me with two sexy chicas all dressed up from being in the parade! well…at least i think they are 100 percent female?

some of my best girlfriends and i on the 4th of july! a few more should have been in this pic 😛

at the lake yo!

i just adore this picture i took of ali and jen! soooo cute!

i got super burned that day….ugh…..the pain!

now as you look to your left you will come apon one of most feared creatures that roam the earth. be quiet, females can be ferocious and extra agressive when disturbed while feeding… lol

i just love this picture of jen liz and i because of the beautiful flowers surrounding us! we were visiting port townsend for the day!

and last, but not least, my little mermaid picture of me! yes, that is who i was trying to be lol

cant wait till next summer!

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September 6, 2007

catskill falls? odd name but definitely looks like a place worth visiting as for ur other pics… wow.. just wow… moral of the story: this is why i answered these entries as what i most enjoy reading 😛 Have a Nice Day!

September 7, 2007

ryn: the pants are a size 9. =/ on the plus side, it means i’m closer to fitting size 7.

September 7, 2007

wow, you had an exciting summer it seems. you visiting port towsend…i never thought of that as a place to visit. my great grandma used to live there, i just never realized there was any point in visiting the actual town though…what part of wachington you near? im just south of seattle.

September 8, 2007

my dad and two brothers and step mom live in port orchard. i live in tukwila. about 15 minutes south of seattle. yes, thats my attempt at a story. that is the beginning. i just started it, i have about three more paragraphs written. i know how it will end, but i have no clue how its going to get there.

September 10, 2007

LOVE the mermaid pic..too cute! makes me realize all the stuff I missed out on this summer…cept the wedding of course! lol!

January 8, 2008

i miss campfires man