gals night woot woot!

so today i went to the gym, jonathan wasnt there but oh wells! then I went to work! My coworker ryan was so nice to finish the last part of the set up for me because i was running late to see my friends! i planned a girls night and i wanted to get home in time to clean up a bit. 

it was fun! ali, jen, megan, and julie were there and we chilled, ate, made drinks, went in the sauna, and had a sleepover! its not often that i get some of my friends together since our schedules are so different, so i was glad it worked out for at least some of them ^_^

it was funny, megan and i rimmed our margarita glasses with the salt that came in this tin for them, and when we took our first sip the salt was SOOOO salty it was disgusting! i think it was just because we put too much but man lol the looks our our faces haha but it was so nasty! lol i laughed when i saw megan do the same thing i did haha.

yea well nothing else really to say. lates!

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girly drinks