
my horoscope for today!
Your friends are at the center of your universe today. You have this miraculous ability to find people who are talented and funny, and who think that you are talented and funny, too. (Well, it’s true, you are.)

hmm, yea i think all my friends are talented in certain ways, and they do make me laugh on the occasion 🙂 i find myself making them laugh more then they make me laugh, and not on purpose either! ne who yea the people i love are the center of my universe every day no matter what.
so far the trimester is really easy.  havent gotten any homework yet! Reading trek tutoring we just sit there and play games , and other classes we’ve done in class work, watched movies, and taken notes. nothin hard at all so far. next week is the week before break! so that should be a piece of cake as well! I CANT WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS AHHH! WE ARE GOIN TO MEXICO! i think ive told everyone at least 3 times lol and i cant stop talkin about it and thinkin about it! im so excited! Once again ill be able to step out on the veranda, smelling the fresh air and seeing the palm trees. watching the people go about selling their things and hearing the ocean waves crash on teh shore. And at night! OH how i love the nights there! Very dark, but not cold at all! Lights shining everywhere, laughter, excitement! Crickets and lizards and animal night life! Gosh i cant wait! Thats the one thing i love about hott places, being out at night is so awesome! wow there is still so much i have to do before i go! some christmas presents, baking (lots of baking!), cleaning, choir concerts, recital, ahhh! tomorrow is my rehearsal. well gots to go!
hanny banany
wayne. if you’re reading this,ill try to call you tomorrow or late tonight k? see ya!

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