Bochech el Hakirot

Shamaim shel etzev alai, vehalailah
notef le’ito k’mo chelev haner
chermesh hayare’ach kar – milemalah
omer li lech hal’ah ve’al tishaver

Rakevet halailah mele’ah ga’agu’a
va’ani baratzif mechakeh k’mo lenes
me’il shel b’didut li – karu’a
omer li lanu’a ve’od lechapes

Veshuv ga’agu’a
pagu’a nagu’a
bera’al zichronot
gufi bli gufech
shuv gove’a, shoke’a
kan levad bein hakirot
y lloro, y lloro
vebocheh el hakirot
y lloro, y lloro
vetzo’ek el hakirot
hashemesh zorachat ba’ir hazarah li
lo yode’a le’an molichim har’chovot
rak zeh she’elaich holech – hu yikra li
tir’i eich yikra li
yagid li lavo
lalechet shenit le’ibud be’einaich
lechabek otach shuv, lechab’kech shuv elai
ikvot lo hish’art she’elech acharaich
hish’art et panaich tz’ruvot be’einai

Veshuv ga’agu’a
pagu’a nagu’a
bera’al zichronot
gufi bli gufech
shuv gove’a, shoke’a
kan levad bein hakirot
y lloro, y lloro
vebocheh el hakirot
y lloro, y lloro
vetzo’ek el hakirot


Crying to the Walls

Skies of sadness weigh down on me.
And the night
Dripping slowly
Like the grease of a candle.
Scythe –
The cold moon from above
Tells me:
‘Walk onward
And do not break.’

The night train,
Tiresome longing.
And I am on the platform
Waiting for something like a miracle.
A coat of loneliness –
Tells me to rest
And to continue searching.

And still
I long
I suffer
I am infected
With the poison of memories.
My body without yours…
So alone
Between the walls.
Y lloro, y lloro (and I cry, and I cry)
And I cry between the walls.
And I scream at the walls.

The sun that shines in the city returns me.
I don’t know where the roads lead,
Only that I walk to you –
Destiny will call me;
Look how
He will call me.
He will pull me
To come.
Traveling again
To the loss in your eyes.
To embrace you again.
Embracing me again.
Consistency does not stay.
You stay behind,
But your face still burns in my eyes.

And still
I long
I suffer
I am infected
With the poison of memories.
My body without yours…
So alone
Between the walls.
Y lloro, y lloro (and I cry, and I cry)
And I cry between the walls.
And I scream at the walls.


Some songs ring more true than others, some seem to hold a greater significance then the song itself. Perhaps it’s because of the situation around the song, the lyrics and their closeness to an important feeling or situation. This is one of those songs, to me.

Tis the song of our breakup.

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