Blog #75
Today went well considering just how amazingly tired I was today. I got a whole half hour of pseudo-sleep (I didn’t actually sleep but I mostly shut off. I could still feel what was happening around me). Now class. And I have class again at 9 for another 4 hours. Icky! That’s terrible!
I was getting grumpy in class too, didn’t have enough sleep. I was getting very nonchalant and uncaring about the class. Bad flashbacks of my time at parkside, but I know that that is just my lack of sleep talking. Even though the lecture today was dull (the first day of the month is always dull) I should’ve still be interested just because I’m interested in most classes here. I’m gonna lay down and sleep now I think…I need to catch up on some for my class. I can’t fall behind because I’m getting prissy because of lack of sleep. This is known. Luckily today was mostly a ‘no shizzy’ kinda lecture because we already learned most of this and the stuff we did cover was really elementary. So I was ok with not paying as much attention and learning as much as I normally would. Hell, a good hour of the lecture was just the same-old thing that you get EVERY new class about rules and regulations (which are always the same). Wear your badge, no food or drink, cell phones are bad, be on time, don’t miss class, etc. The class looks like it’ll be interesting though. I get to play on the BIG consoles now. I’m gonna get pics. They’re pretty. They’re REALLY pretty. ;d
Other class looks to be mostly fluff. I don’t like the amount of fluff classes, actually. It’s semi-annoying. I want more complicated stuffs. :[ I should get it once I go to a university again though, I suppose.
The walk home was nice too. I was in this awesome daze and I was just walking, not really realizing where I was, just moving on auto-pilot. I wasn’t thinking about anything either, I was just feeling the wind on my body and listening to the cars go by in a sort of lullaby. It felt really incredible. I love it. The earth and the physical things were meant to be enjoyed, I think. I don’t know who said that, but someone told me that once. Pleasure isn’t something to be rejected like a lot of people seem to think, especially over sex. It’s supposed to be pleasurable for a reason. The world is meant to be enjoyed. If it wasn’t then it wouldn’t be enjoyable. That’s very true. Anyway, I’m going to sleep now. Gotta catch the few hours while I can. Sorrow. ;'(
*random noter* Completely understand about the walking with out a care feeling. I love doing that. Free’s up the soul at times to just breathe!
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