Blog #29
Not a lot of time to write today. I slept in an extra 9 minutes so I only have 10 or so before I have to leave. Or start getting ready to leave. So I’m eating late and whatnot and all that jazz which is cool. Honestly I really do have the time. At least, as long as I have the longboard. The longboard can REALLY speed up how long it takes me to get to class. Like Whoa. Instead of taking me a good 20-25 minutes to walk it, it takes closer to 5-10 to board it. You just get there so much faster. So I’ve definately been learning bits and pieces of information lately, especially as far as the psychology of sound. Some of the other things are being reinforced more so I remember them and understand them more clearly (like the sound of the tabla as well as what it looks like). Progress is being made.
I also like how it doesn’t matter if I know my classmates or not, if I’m at a resturant and they are, we sit together and chat and hang out no questions asked, no awkwardness. We’re tight for no apparent reason outside of both loving music, generally. I met two new people just yesterday doing that. He was eating in at firehouse, so I said I might as well too and we just sat together and chilled and then one of his friends showed up. It was nice.
Ok, done eating, I need to get dressed and go, I can’t spend time writing today. Sorrow. :[