My Love Life. Too Much.

I’ve decided, since I don’t often speak of my love life here, to dedicate an entry to each of my…hm. My loves. Past and present. Sometimes, my life feels like a soap opera. You’re lucky I spare you.

So! Let’s kill two birds with one stone in this entry, yes? Just because, I feel the need to talk about my first failed attempt at really liking someone. This first boy, Jake, will lead to a lot of my future high school misfortunes. And treasures.

The first thing that should be spoken of is the first time I thought, perhaps, I could be in love. He enjoyed everything I did: theatre, music, being angsty, writing, creating, singing, you know. All the lame things you thought were cool (Alright, I still think those things are pretty cool). Anyway, I should have known better than to think a lisp was cute on a fifteen year old. Oh, Jake. Turned out to be gay. So on we go!

Second: Jeff. Worst mistake of my life. Worse than The Life Ruiner, I think. I wasted about three years of my time falling in love with him. He wouldn’t let me meet his friends because they were racist. He led me on because…I think he just liked having someone chase after him. Every time I tried to move on, he would convince me that he was in love with me and was just afraid of commitment. Well, he got the commitment part right. He dumped me three times. Once was through an email (yeah). The second time, he was supposed to meet my mother and take me to a movie or something. He dumped me through AIM. The third time he dumped me, we were supposed to meet at a parade where he would have met a few of my friends. He called that time. But not until after the parade was over. We decided to stay friends for a long time after that. Which was also stupid. Jeff is socially retarded and doesn’t know how to speak to people. As I made an attempt to flourish in college, he was at RIT sitting in his room and on the brink of killing himself. He would text me once in a while to bitch. Eventually, he ended up in the same city as me but went to a different school. He hounded me via text to come over and hook up, now that my virginity wasn’t his responsibility. My refusal remained consistent and he called me one day attempting to give me an ultimatum: “If we aren’t going to have sex anytime in the immediate future, I don’t want to be friends with you anymore.” So we aren’t speaking, and never will again. Today, I hear Jeff is unhappily having sex with his dirty whore ex. He probably has an STD.

Tomorrow: Forrest.




mediate future, I don’t want to be friends with you anymore.” So we aren’t speaking, and never will again. Today, I hear Jeff is unhappily having sex with his dirty whore ex. He probably has an STD.

Tomorrow: Forrest.




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