Mein Kampf.

Dreams. I had a lot of them last night. One, stood out above all the rest. Ladies and gentlemen, in my head last night, I had sex with Adolf Hitler. Oh, yes. My reaction in the dream seemed more surprised and worried, rather than scared or frightened. There was a pile of women he planned to have sex with after me, right beside us. All naked. Laying in a tangle of arms and legs. All of the women, except for me, were missing one limb. Whether it was a foot, an arm, a hand, etc…it differed from woman to woman. When Hitler was done having sex with one of them, he would sketch a nude picture of them. Where their limb was missing, he would draw what was supposed to be there in red crayon. He didn’t sketch one of me that I can remember. The sex, by the way, was horrible. The tip of his penis was flat, and made the process rather uncomfortable. Then I had to wake up and go to European History. Where my professor gave a full biography of ol’ Adolf. Oh, the images. I don’t recommend those kinds of thoughts for when you first wake up. And the kid next to me was a leg jiggler. I hate leg jigglers. Because his jiggling made my chair shake. Which triggered my sensitive stomache. Which led me to skip Dance. Which, in return, made me get online and check my email where I found we would be taking notes today. Instead of dancing. And I don’t dare show up now. Ah, well. I’m still in a good mood. Could it be that sexy night with Hitler? He -was- one to change lives….



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Oh. my. fucking. god. You definitely need to tell that one to a dream counselor. Damn. Damn. Even I don’t have dreams that fucked up.

November 11, 2008

seriously, though.. how big was he?