Workout Girl!

I think I want that to be my super hero name.  I’ve got to earn it first though! 

Today was my Saturday, so I was going to sleep in, then my mom called me and woke me up.  Bleh.  So I got up, and eventually talked myself into doing the belly dance tape that I have.  I figured out a work out schedule that I hope to stick to.  I *might* be over enthusiastic, but at the same time, it is doable, and it’s not going to completely wear me out or anything.  It might be difficult on some days to get it all in, but I’m not going to get down on myself if I don’t stick to this perfectly, I’m really going to try though!

Workout Schedule




Pilates Tape

Walk Tape 15 min

Gym or Yoga Tape

Walk Tape 30m

Yoga Tape

Pilates Tape


I’ll be happy if I get in one workout each day, though I know sticking to this will definately get me results a lot faster. In the past, I’ve found myself just doing kickboxing 3 days a week, maybe a walk here and there.  I lose a little, but nothing really noteworthy.  The times in my life where I’ve done really well weight loss wise have been the times when I was just walking for exercise, so I definately want to do a lot more walking, be it the walk away the pounds tape, the treadmill or elliptical at the gym, or just walking in the park.  The pilates, belly dance and yoga are all about toning and balance and feeling strong and centered, and I’m all for that! 

My work schedule is fairly stable, so I’m able to plan what workouts work best for the day.  Like Monday, I have to be at work earlier to do the ordering, so the 15 minute tape makes more sense (though if I get my butt out of bed early enough, I’ll be doing the 30 minute!)  Then on Tuesday, somedays I open, so I can go to the gym when I get off at 5; and some days I close, so doing yoga at 9pm makes more sense!  (And if I’m ambitious, on the days I’m able to go to the gym, I might just do yoga that night too, because I can!)  The other days are stable enough (granted that creepy corprate guy doesn’t screw up my schedule, though in that case, I might strangle him, then I’ll end up in prison where I can work out all the time! ~L~) so I should be able to stick to this!  And I figure letting you all in on it will help to, because then you all know what I’m SUPPOSED to be doing, so I’ll be more likely to do it!  

On with today!  The bellydancing tape is really good.  I’ve done it once before, a long time ago, but I really liked it then too.  The part that killed the most was the shoulder work, I gave my shoulders a pretty good workout in kickboxing, then the tape I did yesterday had arm stuff in it, so with this stuff today my shoulders were burning!  There are a few things I can’t quite do, or rather, I haven’t got the movements down right just yet.  I’m sure in time, and with some extra practice, I’ll have it mastered.  Then I’ll be shimming, shaking and undulating myself all about in a provacative manner all the time!  WOOO! ~L~ 

Mom came home at noon today, as she usually does on Friday’s so we can hang out.  I suggested that we should go for a walk in the park since it was such a nice sunny day.  We’ve only had a few nice sunny days this year, and this was the first one that I wasn’t working durring, so I wanted to go out and enjoy it!  Where we live, there’s this walking/bike trail that goes along the river, it circles around on both sides, something like 10 or 12 miles total.  We usually just walk a certain part of it, which is the nicest part.  She agreed it was a good idea, though once we got out there she was having shin splint problems.  I was a little bummed becuase I was all energized and wanting to walk faster, but I couldn’t leave her behind.  Instead, I improvised and when ever I started feeling antsy, I’d start kind of jogging in place beside her.  It worked pretty well, I was able to stay at her pace while burning some extra calories!

Later when we got home, I was thinking about taking a nap, but mom and I played cards instead.  After a couple of games we decided to watch a movie, I talked her into bringing our small tv/dvd player out of the craft room into my room, so that way I could put away my laundry at the same time.  I got my laundry put away, then I was sitting at my desk switching all my stuff out of one purse into another, and I leaned back in my chair to show mom how I wanted a scarf that matched the lining in my purse.  Then my chair decided to tip over.  My chair has never tipped over, I lean back in that thing all the time.  Apparently, too often, as we observed later, the wheels were all broken and leaning to the side.  It wouldn’t have been so bad, but my bed is close enough to my desk that I hit the top of my shoulders and the back of my head on the bottom part of my bed.  (I’ve got an old, very cool metal bed frame…)  ~whine~cry~pout~  My poor mom is trying to get off my bed, which is like 3 feet off the ground, in a panic.  Anyway, I’m all right, I have a big bump on the back of my head, and my shoulders hurt even more than they all ready did!  I took some advil, put ice on it, and I’m hoping that I’m not all stiff and miserable tomorrow!

I’m bummed about that, becuase I was planning on still doing the pilates tape tonight, but now I can’t.  I just hope I’m ok tomorrow so I can go to kickboxing!  I always seem to have this bad luck when I really get into workout girl mode, I manage to sprain my ankle or some such dumb thing!  (Though now I’ve got the sprained ankle angle covered, becuase elliptical machines are awesome, and you can workout on that with a sprained ankle!)&nb


Oh, and I’m doing ok with the Matt thing.  I did bitch a little more today about his idea of love.  I was ranting to my mom how I’ve met guys on line who I’ll talk to every day for 3 weeks, and I’ll like them a lot, but I don’t love them until I meet them and hang out with them in person for a few weeks!  Ok, I could go on, but I think I’ll just let it go.  Men are visual creatures, fine, whatever, be that way!  Which reminds me! I was telling mom about the workout schedule, and how I really want to stick with it, becuase Matt isn’t coming back to kickboxing for a couple of months, and I could totally lose about 20 pounds in that time.  Your basic, wrath/anger/lust motivation.  Yes, lust, not that I want him so much any more, but oh, I do want him to want me.  You want "love" at first sight? Oh, I’ll give you "love" at first sight!  Not that that’s going to happen with a 20 pound loss, but I’ll be on my way!  And personally, that will bring me pretty close to the lowest weight I can ever remember being, which was 208 about 10 years ago when I graduated high school.  (Well, I do remember seeing 150 at some point, but I don’t remember how old I was, and I was never concerned about my weight at all until after high school – lucky me huh?)  Anyway, when I get to 208 again, I’m going to look even better than I did back then because I have muscle now!  Ok, yeah, motivated, definately, time to get on it!

Yikes, this got long.  When I started writing I just meant to do a quick entry!  I guess I had more to say than I thought!

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February 16, 2007

I wish I could be so motivated to do a workout videos.. the only thing that I stuck with was walking the Burlington Mall in the Cascades, with my baby and that gets boring as I have nobody to talk to. (Just moved to this state)… hmm nothing like Wisconsin!

February 17, 2007

Thanks for the note. Men are more stupid than not in my opinion 🙂 That’s very ambitious of you, I might come up with something similar! Great job 🙂

February 17, 2007

Yeah, Matt’s idea of love is…er…different, shall we say. I mean, it’s one thing to hang out with a person everyday in person and feel those things in a few weeks, but…LOVE? Now? What kind of a moron is this guy, anyway? He certainly thinks a lot of himself, that’s for sure. Good luck with your exercise regime!

February 17, 2007

Your exercise plan sounds excellent! And hey, if wanting to lose weight so you can flaunt your sexy self in front of Matt motivates you, more power to you! We have to draw our motivation from wherever available. 🙂

You’re doing so awesome! Which bellydance tape is it? I might like to check it out.

February 17, 2007

damn, you are quite the workout girl. that’s in intense schedule you have. but you can do it if you want it badly enough! try not to overwork yourself though. i’ve always wanted to bellydance. it seems like such fun and it’s pretty sexy too;) much love hon.

February 17, 2007

WOW, I wish *I* had the energy to keep up with a workout schedule like that! 🙂 That’s fantastic!

February 17, 2007

Good luck with your workout schedule! I’m sorry to hear things didn’t work out the way you wanted with Matt. But at least you can say you tried and not beat yourself up over the what if’s. You are stronger now and learned more about him and yourself after this. Take care!

I love your workout schedule it’s so ambitious! lol I’d never have the time to do something like that though! I’m jealous! I’m so envious of your relationship you have with your mom. You two sound really close. I wish my mother and I were like that.