Up all night

I was pretty exhausted from being up all last night.  I really should have thought ahead and had Tiffany switch with me so I didn’t have to open this morning!  I kept thinking, what’s up with me? I should be all happy and perky and glowing!!  I was on the inside, though I was too tired to show it!  I’m sure I at least had a very happy sleepy grin! 

It occured to me this morning that I should have had Luke call me when he got home, since he left so late, and it is a pretty long drive, something like an hour and a half.  I didn’t even think about it until this morning.  I wrote him before I went to work, told him that I had a great time, and let him know that I got off work at five, so he was welcome to call, or hey, just show up any time there after!  I don’t think he will, since we all ready made plans for tomorrow night, but it would be really nice to see him!

Oh, and there was a card along with the flowers, it said, "I am really sorry that this has not occured sooner… fate really should have kicked me in the butt the six or so times I was around you."  ~grin~ Ok, so we only know for sure of the one time 3 years ago when we worked together, but since we did live so close to each other in Pullman, and went to the same college, frequented the same coffee shop and the same book store, the likelyhood that we’ve run into each other multiple times  is entirely possible!

He also gave my mom a card along with the plants he gave her.  It said something along the lines of thank you for raising such a sweet, funny, witty, charming woman.  I’ll have to get the actual card from mom so I can quote it, but it was really sweet!  


Luke didn’t show up, he did ask if he really had the privelage of showing up at any time.  I said of course!  Though I did warn him that mom and I tend to wonder off, so it’s usually best to call!  It would be nice if he lived closer, but at least it’s only an hour and a half!  It could be a lot worse!

Tonight when I was talking to him he was telling me that he found out he’s going to have to give a speech at his friend’s wedding.  He’s the best man, but since the wedding is going to be rather un-formal (in Los Vegas) he wasn’t sure if they were going to do speeches.  So I found some stuff on-line and sent him links and offered to help proof it and what not.  I did practically get a minor in speech com, so I should be somewhat helpful!

He’s been talking to me about his friends getting married in Vegas I think the entire time we’ve been talking, and prety much the whole time he’s implied that he wants me to go with him, and now we’re starting to joke about getting hitched in Vegas!  ~L~ I promise I’m not that crazy!  I have not been planning my wedding all this time just so I can run off to Vegas!!

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