
I didn’t really do much for Halloween, I think the fact that we’d gone to our Halloween party all ready kinda made me feel like Halloween was over.  It didn’t help that mom and I didn’t put up any decorations at all.  She even bought me pumpkins to carve, and I never even did that.  Yesterday mom did pull out some of the decorations, but not too many of them, I have whole boxes full of those fake carved pumpkins, I like them better than real ones actually!  I just like the real ones whole, they’re cool just like that! 

Anyway, I didn’t even bother dressing up or anything this year.  Last year I wore all my gypsy garb to work, but I didn’t bother doing anything.  I didn’t even wear my old navy pumpkin shirt!  Huh, I didn’t even put in my little devil horn barretts, I usually at least do that!  Oh well.  It was a good night to close anyway.  We didn’t really have any customers at all, so I spent most of my night doing a whole lot of nothing!  I still do as little as possible around there.  Why should I bother busting my ass? 

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November 9, 2007

I didn’t do much for halloween either except have a party. but now that i think about it, i really wish i carved a pumpkin! it’s the simple things like that which bring you back to your childhood. fond memories.