
I borrowed my mom’s cell phone last night, since mine was dead, and this morning, I went to get it out of my purse so I could put it in her room, and it was gone!  I Called her at work, and she’d grabbed it this monring.  Thank goodness! I’m like damn, I only opened my purse once last night! How did I lose her phone? ~L~

Then she tells me that a friend of hers is coming over tonight and she wants me to tidy up a little… ugh!  Usually I wouldn’t mind so much, but I needed to finish those other pages for Amber’s album! So I did those first, they came out pretty nice, actually, the ones I did are nicer than the rest of the book.

I don’t mean to be mean, but the lady that started making this album doesn’t really know anything about scrapbboking, and she found this odd sized album, with pages that are probably acidic, and stuck down the paper with a glue stick. (And that stuff sucks!) Anyway, I also managed to tidy up enough that it’s noticable, so I was pleased with myself!

Then when I went to go to work, I thought I’d locked my keys in the house, so I got my hide-a-key, went back into the house, and I’m looking for my stupid keys, and found them in my left pocket! DOH!  I usually put them in my right, I don’t know how they ended up over there! Oh, and in the process of everything, I’m trying to get the hide-a-key, hold onto the album pages, my purse, my lunch, and my water bottle… I set my stuff on the garbage can lid, and a breeze came through and carried away two of my pages! Eeek! Luckily, they didn’t go too far, and they didn’t get ruined!

Work was busy today.  There was only Cate and I, and it took me 3 hours to get one damn thing done because I kept getting inturupted! I wonder if we’ll have any down time this year?  In our old location, we would get some down time in the summer where we barely had any customers.  I guess they knew what they were doing moving us into the strip mall!

I’m so jealous of Amber… I wish today was my last day!  ~L~ How great would it be to leave and never have to go back and work there again! (I’d go back to buy crafty stuff though!) ~L~

Actually, yesterday Bill was telling me how he and his girlfriend are have tenative plans to move to Seattle in late fall.  And that’s good motivation for me to find another job and get the hell out of there! For one, even though I only get to see Bill one day a week, I’d totally miss him, and he’s the person at work who knows all my framing complaints, and work complaints, and artist complaints.  And he’s the one that always makes me feel better when that place is on my last nerve! Not only would I miss Bill, but there’s the bonus incentive that if he leaves, and I leave, the frame shop would be pretty screwed… ~L~

I’m evil, but it really would give me great pleasure to leave that place around the same time as Bill. Cate’s all ready looking for another job, and maybe the other girl that has experiance will get out too, and then, oh, it would be so, so funny to leave them completely screwed… Oh, and right before Christmas too!!! ~ROTFLMAO~ They want a manager without experiance, they’ll get one! ~LOL~  Hey, you can’t blame me, this sick urge is a direct result of me being screwed over by management.  They don’t seem to realize what they have in people, but they’ll feel it when we’re gone.

I think I’ve gotten it my head now that I’m not going to be there for next Christmas.  I don’t really know what I’m going to do, though I’m not going to up and quit without another job lined up.  I’m just feeling that there will be something better by then.  It’s time to move on I think.

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May 1, 2007

I wonder why we never had a hidden key at home for all the many times i forgot my keys. I’d say go for it, find a new job around the same time. I’m all for that kind of stuff. You work hard, but they don’t appreciate you when you know they would be lost without you, yeah. That kind of thing brings me pleasure too.

If you think it’s time to move on, then it is. The resentment will soon become too much to bear.

May 1, 2007

you seem to be at that point in your life where you need a change, something new and fresh. i think it’s a good idea to start looking for a different job because the one you have now only seems to cause stress! there’s got to be something better out there. much love hon.

RYN: You’re too kind. 😉

May 1, 2007

Aw I hate being scatterbrained! – I spent about twenty minutes yesterday looking for my car keys (they were in the pocket of a jacket I wore the day before) unfortunately I think it runs in my family, my mum is just as bad. I hope your days is better tomorrow. Take care x