Totally Committed

All right, I’m finally jumping on  Slim Katie ‘s re-committment band wagon… although it really can’t be called a re-committment in my case, since I don’t think I’ve ever really been committed to start with!  Yes, that’s right, I just make a few pithy goals every now and again, then attempt to stick to them for a day or so… ~sigh~  pathetic… 

Anyway, here are my *offical* goals, which I’m going to *officially* start on Tuesday, which we all know isn’t your usual diet starting day, but oh well!  The *official* time frame will be Tuesday, April 17 to Sunday, May 20 (which is 33 days, rather than Katie’s *official* 30, but I have to at least make this end on my *offical* weigh-in day!)

  • Pre plan meals, pack my lunches the night before and pay attention to what I’m putting in my mouth!
  • No eating after 8pm. (drive-in night will be the one acception!)
  • Bed time by 11pm AT THE LATEST on work nights.
  • Take my vitamins!
  • 64 – 128 oz of water daily
  • At least 30 minutes of exercise six days a week, ideally, I should bust out that awesome workout schedule I made, or at least some version of it.
  • Post weigh-in and work-out reports every Sunday.  

Originally, I was going to start this today, but since I didn’t work out today, or drink enough water, or go to bed on time, I decided tomorrow would be better! ~L~  Ugh, I’m so terrible! I really need this though, I really need to stick to this and see what I can accomplish when I REALLY TRY *offically*.  (I’m such a weirdo!)

I’m sure there was some actual life stuff about today that I was going to say, but I can’t remember what it was, so it probably wasn’t anything thrilling! 


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April 17, 2007

Good girl! Hope you stick to it. :o)~jo

April 17, 2007

Just tell yourself that it’s ONLY 33 DAYS–you can do it! If you stick it out for 33 days, think how much weight you could lose, and how much better you’ll feel being on the right track. I’m glad you decided to do it with us!

April 17, 2007

ryn: Yeah that’s what the tow-truck creep, er…guy said too. Hopefully nothing too expensive.~jo

April 17, 2007

You go champ-ette Its all very doable

April 17, 2007

you can do it

Yay for you!! As always, I’m trying as well too.

April 17, 2007

I have no will power, so I’m not even going ot try. BUT bonus, I must be doing SOMETHING right, I am still losing weight. yay.

I really need to recommit too. I’m doing BecomingSlim challenge. She picks the biggest loser at the end of the week which should be motivating. Good luck with everything looks like a good plan!

April 17, 2007

Goodluck! 🙂

April 17, 2007

these are some very good goals. i know you can stick with them because you are a strong person. you have the dedication and will! you can do it!

RYN: haha, that’s too bad. Btw, that wasn’t offiicially my “one up” entry. Still have to write that one. So, how was your first day of your challenge? I stuck to my diet and managed to exercise today. (After two days off.) Glad my feet held up. I should be back in heels by the weekend. Woohoo!!