Today, with illustrations!

I really suck at the whole "going to bed at a reasonable hour and thusly being able to get up early" thing! Totally and completely, suck.  ~L~ (Just so you know!) Maybe some day I’ll get it right, or I’ll stop caring about it, whatever!  Yes, this means that this morning I slept in until the last possible minute, so no extra workout for me today! And now it’s all most 1am, and hey! I’m up! (Though I’m tired, which just means I’m being dumb!) At least I don’t have to work until 2pm tomorrow.  (Someone please tell my dogs this so they don’t go running around barking right under my bedroom window in the morning!)  Here they are looking innocent:

We got that big bird at good will, *sometimes* when you drop or kick him, he does this weird "ha ha ha" laugh, then vibrates!  Creepy big bird…  Anyway! Maggie (my dog) is on the left, and Annie (my moms dog) is on the right.  Annie is a happy dog:

Maggie likes to crawl under things, and lay right on top of your feet if she can (We’re in the craft room, check out all the crap and organizational type things!):

The guy mom met yesterday didn’t call her back today.  She didn’t care too much, so I had to say, and this is why I don’t want to bother entertaining them, then at the same time we said, "and why you/I shouldn’t bother entertaining them either!"  Yeah, my mom and I are turning into an old married couple I think, there’s no sex, we say the same thing at the same time, and we have all this witty banter.  ~sigh~  It’s scary/funny that I wish I could meet a guy as cool as my mom! ~LOL~  Here’s a picture of us taken last September on her FIFTY-SECOND birthday… yeah, I have damn good genes!  We look even more happy and glowy than usual because we just came from a winery!

Eeeww… ignore my chubby arm that I just made you all notice even more by pointing it out!  (Have you guys ever noticed that I use a LOT of excalimation points?  That’s how you translate "perky!" on to paper! ~L~) 

Anyway! I was a little tired today (I wonder why?) Then mom called and asked if I wanted to go to kickboxing tonight or the gym, since she gave me the option, I picked the gym.  So only 30 minutes on the elliptical, (where I still worked up a sweat) but it’s lame compared to an hour of kickboxing!  Maybe tomorrow I’ll work in a 30 minute walk to make up for it a bit. Oh, though when we were coming home from the gym, we stopped to get dinner, and I didn’t want to stand in the long line (where I would be tempted to wonder around and undoubtedly find something to buy that I shouldn’t eat!) so I told mom I was going to start walking home and she could pick me up when she drove by!  So I did walk another 10 minutes or so tonight!

All right, I think I’m actually going to go to bed now.  One other thing though, I changed my the font on my quote on my front page, but I don’t have that font on my computer, so someone tell me if it looks ok! Thanks! 🙂

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February 19, 2007

Life’s more fun late at night!;) Your mom looks pretty young!!

February 20, 2007

Wow! Your mom looks pretty damn young for fifty two! That’s great. So your exclamation points mean you’re perky? With me they usually mean I’m ranting. 😛

February 20, 2007

I can’t get over how YOUNG your mom looks! You could seriously be sisters! Your dogs look very sweet 🙂 I think I over-use exclamation points too!

February 20, 2007

wow you have some great genes…she doesnt look like she is 52 in that pic.

February 20, 2007

your mom looks great for her age.

February 20, 2007

Love the front page, that is an awesome pic of you.

February 20, 2007

Wow! I hope I look that good at that age. Excellent genes indeed. Didn’t notice the arm until you pointed it out ; ) But I’m pro at doing that in my own pictures too. Normally it’s “Just ignore my double chin” (which I’m sure you’ll look for now too!)

Yay for pictures! Beautiful doggies. Your mom looks so young. This is good news for you. 😉

February 20, 2007

The font looks default – like Times New Roman or Arial or one of those. I guess I don’t have it on my computer either. LOL

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww you and your mom are so beautiful! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your babies! Those are such beautiful dogs! I want them both! OHHH and I used to have a big bird teddy bear just like that when I was little! Awww. lol I miss it.

February 21, 2007

I noticed your picture on your frontpage taken in the space needle! I’d like to go there sometime.:) I looooooove Vancouver and I like Victoria a lot, I’ve never been to Seattle. Now that I’m hooked on Starbucks I have even more reason.;)

February 21, 2007

the font looks fine on the front page. i know exactly what you mean! go to bed early, wake up early. it’s a lost cause! haha. your dogs are soooo cute. i want to snuggle with them. and your mom-wow! she looks like she’s in her late 30s. must be some good genes. love ya hon!