
So, the corprate greed isn’t as bad as I thought it was, turns out, the one store manager that took over the frame shop schedule messed it up… So um, why is he doing it?  I don’t ever recall screwing it up any time I did it… I need to talk to them about being able to write the schedule again.  It’s really stupid, they want me to "be in charge" of things, but they don’t really want to give me too much responsibility, or make me the "official" manager of the frame shop (right now, I’m just the "head framer" – please come to me with all your head framing needs! ~L~).  In my oppinion, it’s because I’m a girl and I look like I’m 18.  Yeah, hello, I’m all most 30 and I have a college education!  Anyway, the other store manager fixed it and gave me 3 more hours, so I’m not quite so ticked off any more.  I’m still ticked off about other things, just not that!

Aside from that, things are good.  My back didn’t bug me as much last night or today, I had my mom use one of those ball massager things on me the other night, and since it worked so well, I made her do it again tonight! I do have am hour and a half long massage scheduled for Saturday, so I’ll be feeling much better soon!  After that, I think I’m going to have to get in touch with my friend Ryan, who went to massage school, and who I actually got a couple of massages from when he was a student and before I knew him, then he actually worked for me in the frame shop over Christmas, and now we’re friends, and he said he’d give me a discount!

Mom and I went to the gym tonight after I got off work, I did a half hour on the elliptical, and I actually worked up a sweat and hit my target heart rate!  Woo!  And I’m not having any pain as far as my guts go, though my back did start hurting a little more after that. Now I just need to get to bed so I can get up in the morning and go to the gym before work!  I really am feeling motivated, it’s great! Oh, and I have actual (other than scale-based) proof that I’m losing weight.  The calf-high boots that I bought at the beginning of the month, you know, the ones that I couldn’t zip all the way up?  Yeah, they zip up now. *beaming*  They’re still a little tight, and I wouldn’t wear them with a short skirt just yet, but oh my goodness! 

All right, I need to get to bed! Lately, I’ve been staying up way too late, I think I got thrown off by the chaos before/durring/after my surgery.  I’ve always had troubles going to bed when I should, and it’s not that I’m not tired, I’ll be dead tired, and keep myself up forever.  I think it’s because I like the alone time, when no one else is moving around and I can do whatever I want. Some issue from childhood no doubt! I just need to reverse myself to getting up early to have alone time.  But it’s not quite the same when everyone’s awake and buzzing around.  I’m weird… Oh well! Nite!


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January 25, 2007

Hi there! I’ve added you to my faves so you can read my diary now. Looks like you’ve been doing great with the weightloss, congrats. Looks like we have more than losing weight in common, I’m getting my gall bladder out too! I’m supposed to go in a few weeks, but I postponed it until mid-April for a few reasons. Hopefully I don’t get too sick or have too many attacks before then. Good luck and I’ll be reading you!~jo

January 25, 2007

yea! great job losing weight hon! that’s great how you’re seeing progress. good thing you aren’t having too many pains from the surgery. it sounds like you are healing up nicely which is definitely important! thanks so much for your notes too. they mean a lot to me hon! much love.

January 25, 2007

Don’t you love those ball massagers?! I make my hubby use it on me all the time, lol 🙂