To date or not to date

Can that even be a question when I don’t have anyone to go out with?  Well, I could have someone to go out with if I wanted to, I’m sure of that.  The thing is, I’ve only been half-heartedly looking.  I guess as much as I want to think I want a boyfriend now, it’s obvious that I don’t, since I don’t really want to try.  As much as I hate to admit it, I still have this hang-up about dating while I’m over weight.  As confident as I am most of the time, I find I still doubt the sincerity when a guy tells me how beautiful I am.  Even with Jake, who I know loved me, I was always questioning it.  And not only was I questioning how he could possibly love me the way I looked, I was questioning how he could ever love me the same if I lost all the weight I wanted to.  Yeah, that’s a big part of it too, if a guy is really attracted to me now, wouldn’t he be against me losing weight?  Because if I lose weight, I’m no longer his idea of beautiful.  Does that make sense?

I guess it really comes down to not only how I view myself, but how men view me.  I know there are some men who wouldn’t bother getting to know me if they saw my picture first, the same men who would most likely adore me if they were to get to know me before seeing my picture.  If I’m in good shape, I have more options, I can be as picky as I want to be, without feeling like I have to compromise because I can’t do better.  And if I’m in shape, I’ll know for a fact that if a guy doesn’t like me, it’s entirely his issue!

Speaking of guys with issues… I forgot to mention that Kyle called me again the other day!  ~LOL~  I’m enjoying the evil pleasure of having him still want me.  I haven’t talked to him since that time two weeks ago that I called him to let him know I wasn’t interested.  Well, ok, I wasn’t so direct about it.  I might have left him some room to think he might have a chance.  ~s~  Why?  Because a guy like him deserves to be toyed with and let down, repeatedly.  I didn’t intend on calling him ever again, but maybe now I will, just to lead him on a little more.  ~L~ He even left me his number again!  

I spent most of my day playing around on the internet.  I can’t even remember what I was doing exactly… ~sigh~ What a waste of time!  I need to stop doing that.  Tomorrow I’m just going to hang out in the craft room ALL DAY!  I did go to the gym today, so that’s something.  The chiropractor says it’s good to walk after an adjustment, it helps it settle in right or something… I’m still really tight up between my shoulder blades and in my neck area, so the nerves there are still getting pinched, so my arm is still going numb.  It’s not as bad as it used to be though.  Actually, it’s more like it was when it first started happening.  It’ll wake me up, but then I can just move my arm to a better position and it’s better.  And it’s only happening one or two times a night, not four or five like it used to.  It’ll go away eventually.  That’ll be nice!

What I Ate Today: (Mom and I went to the drive-in, so it was a cheat night, but I still kept track.)

2 slices whole wheat toast
1 cup oatmeal
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 cup grapes

3oz hamburger
1 cup egg noodles
2 Tbps pizza sauce
1 banana

1/2 cup coleslaw
1 cup mashed potatoes
1/4 cup gravy
3 pieces chicken
1 cup grapes
1 cup(ish) carmel corn

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April 28, 2007

I understand what you mean about the whole weight/boys issue. I was lucky I guess, I started losing weight after I broke up with my ex and wasn’t even looking for a new guy, and then when I slimmed down a guy just fell into my lap unexpectedly. I never really thought about dating! I guess if you’re ready for a new man you’ll know in yourself.

April 28, 2007

haha, toying with kyle. yeah, he’s the kind of guy that deserves it. i feel the same way about dating-not being fit enough. though for me i the guys that i like, i look at the other girls they have dated and those girls are usually gorgeous and tiny and i think ‘how could he ever be attracted to me after being with *insert name here*?’ ahh, life. isn’t it wonderful? much love honey.

I think once you have a negative self image of yourself, you never believe when a guy tells you how beautiful/wonderful you are. I’m still amazed guys even want to talk to me. Then when the utter the word ‘sexy’, I nearly laugh from disbelief. Btw, how was the drive-in? 🙂

April 28, 2007

You know, I have this theory about dating while I’m overweight…it’s a little crazsy but I’ll share it with you. Right now I feel like I haven’t taken good care of myself. And if I don’t love myself enough to take care of myself, how can I expect to really love someone else? Gotta learn to take good care of me, and then I’ll be ready to love and take care of someone else. I guess I’m rambling….

April 28, 2007

…but the other plus side to not having a boyfriend right now is that I can focus solely on myself. No need to worry about sacrificing gym time because my schedule is usually very busy and I want to make sure I spend enough time with my sweetheart, know what I mean? That Metabolisim diet that you and your mom are following sounds like it’ll make you drop weight fast! Good luck! 🙂

A man who doesn’t want you just because you’re his idea of fat has issues too. You’re an awesome girl and he doesn’t know what he’s missing. I’m really glad I don’t have to worry about finding a man. It’s so nerve racking and annoying.

April 28, 2007

I hate those days that I spend on the internet all day, doing NOTHING… it seems like a waste of a day 🙂 I know what you mean about not believe it when guys tell you you’re beautiful–I always wonder what my husband actually thinks is attractive about me. He swears that I’m hot, all the time, but I’m just thinking, “Yeah, right, you’re such a liar”