
Luke left this morning to go to Seattle.  He’s going to visit his friend Spencer,  the one who’s getting married in Vegas,  he invited me to go along, but I’d all ready promised to spend the day with mom.  Besides, if I’m going to be moving in September, I won’t be getting to spend as much time with my mom, so I’d better do that while I can!

Mom and I finished cleaning out that cupboard where the heating unit is going to go, so mom was happy!  While we were having breakfast, mom commented that Luke doesn’t talk a lot.  It’s kinda funny, becuase I never really noticed, but I guess he doesn’t talk a lot around other people.  I told mom that I’m sure once he gets to know her better, and realizes that she’s not your average mom, and that he can talk around her the same way he does around me, every thing will be fine. 

Mom and I headed off, she wanted to take me to a place out in Plain, which is out kinda by lake Wenatchee.  We went out to this one place where they rent cabins, and mom was asking if they did wedding receptions! I was a little suprised by that, she even told the lady, oh, we’re just looking at our options, it would be next year sometime!  The place was kinda nice, but maybe a little too country/lodge like for my tastes. 

After that, we went to mom’s favortie diner, which is also kind out in the middle of nowhere!  We just got milkshakes there,  it’s a ’50s theme place, mom loves stuff like that!  From there, we were driving back to Leavenworth, and decided to stop at one of the campgrounds and have a look around.  I went camping there a couple of years ago with some dumb guy, the best part of the whole thing was that we got a good campsite.  Mom and I agreed though that that same campsite is still the best one there!  I may have to take mom camping some time in August, after Vegas and visiting my dad and before we move!  Damn, August is going to be a busy month!

Then mom took me out to the Sleeping Lady, which is a resort in Leavenworth, we had lunch there, it was yummy!  When we got to Leavenworth, it was pretty busy, full tourist insanity!  We just went to a few of our regular favorite places.  I didn’t find anything to buy!  Oh well, I should be saving money anyways!! Well, actually, I did find a few big pimpin hat options… ~s~  So I may have to take Luke there!  The only bummer part of the day was that our favortie bakery was closed. ~pout~  So I didn’t get my white chocolate oatmeal ginger cookies that I’d been craving all day!  ~double pout~ At least Leavenworth isn’t too far away!  We stopped at this other barkery on the way home, so I got a substitute cookie, which wasn’t nearly as good as the white chocolate oatmeal ginger cookies would have been, but it was better than nothing!

By that time, I was so tired! When we got back to Wenatchee, we stopped at the Rainbow grocery outlet because we were going to make tacos and wanted to get some more stuff for them.  By the time we got home, I was wasted!  So we had left over pizza and corn instead!  ~L~ Oh well, it was food! 

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