The Hilton Head Metabolism Diet

Ok, let me start out by saying, this menu is all I have or know of the diet.  About 10 years ago, my mom borrowed the actual book from a friend and just copied out the menu part of it.  In other words, I can’t really answer any questions you may have about it.  I also want to say that this diet looks pretty depressing, the portions are pretty small, and I don’t know, but I’m betting if you added up the calories, they’re also pretty low.  And along with that, I have to add that we’re not following this diet to the letter.  Like I mentioned in the last entry, we’re going to allow ourselves some cheats.  I’m still going to get my occasional white chocolate mocha, we’re still going to go out for dinner from time to time, though we’re going to stick to the official diet as much as possible, we’re just not going to feel terribly for satisfying the occasional craving.  (I know all too well how trying to stick to a strict diet and never allowing yourself the tiniest treat can trigger a binge of mondo proportions!)  One last thing, even though we’re sticking to the diet as closely as we can, we do allow ourselves larger portions of the fruits and veggies, and some times some of the other things.  We did the same thing the first time we did this, and still lost a lot of weight, so it’s still effective even when you’re not all super strict about it!

The way it works is that you do the low-cal menu for two weeks, then the booster menu for one week.  Then lather, rinse, repeat!!

Low-Cal Menus

Cereal 3/4 cup – Choose cereals that are low in sugar content such as Special K, Shredded Wheat, Wheaties, Raisin Bran, Oatmeal, or Puffed Wheat.
Milk 1/2 cup – 1% or non-fat only
Fruit 1/2 piece – Choice of orange, banana, pear, apple, grapefruit, or peach.
Coffee or Tea – Sugar substitute and/or low-fat milk or non dairy creamer may be added.

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Fruit Plate –
Strawberries 1/2 cup
Honeydew melon 1/4 cup
Cantaloupe 1/4 cup
Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup
Lettuce (a few leaves under the fruit)

Baked Chicken 5oz
Baked Potato 1 med – no butter
Vegetable (green beans, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup
Strawberries 1/2 cup
Vanilla yogurt 1 Tbsp over fruit

Cinnamon Toast –
2 slices wheat bread sprinkled lightly with mixture of cinnamon and artifical sweetener and toasted under a broiler.

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Egg 1 whole, any style
Whole Wheat bread 1 slice
Grapefruit 1/2

Fish 6 oz, any type
Rice 1/2 cup
Vegetables, choice of two (carrots, cauliflower, spinich, green beans, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup each
Orange slices 1/2 cup

Small Tossed salad
Diet dressing 2 Tbsp
Apple 1/2

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Tuna Fish 3 oz
Lettuce 1/4 small head
Tomato 1/2 medium
Cucumber slices 10
Diet salad dressing 2 Tbsp

Broiled lean hamburger 6 oz
Egg noodles 1/2 cup cooked
Vegetable (green beans, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup

Cereal 1/2 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Banana 1/2

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Tossed salad – lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish
Diet dressing 2 Tbsp
Roll 1 small
Diet Margarine 1 Tbsp

Baked Chicken 5 oz
New potatos 1/2 cup or 2-3 small
Vegetable (green beans, spinach, or broccoli) 1/2 cup
Fruit (choice of cantaloupe 1/8 or strawberries/blueberries 1/2 cup)

Cottage cheese 1/4 cup
Apple 1/2

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Whole tomato stuffed with chicken salad, 2/3 cup (3oz chicken, 1 tsp mayonnase, chopped celery)

Broiled fish or shrimp 6 to 8 oz
Corn on the cob 1 ear
Small tossed salad
diet dressing 2 Tbsp
Peach 1 whole
Vanilla yogurt 1oz

Raw vegetable plate – 6 each of raw carrot sticks, celery, radishes, and cauliflower with diet dip

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Fruit salad –
cottage cheese 1/4 cup
lettuce 1/4 head
Orange 1/2
Apple 1/2
Grapes 3/4 cup

Broiled Steak 4 to 5 oz
Baked Potato 1 med
Diet Margarine 2 Tbsp
Vegetable (zucchini, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup

Sliced Banana 1 whole lightly sprinkled with a cinnamon and artificial sweetener

BREAKFAST: Low-cal breakfast

Omelet –
Egg Whites 3
Cottage Cheese 1/4 cup
Onion 1/8 small
Green pepper 1/4 cup
Apple 1/2

Spaghetti 1/2 cup cooked noodles
Meatless sauce 4 oz
Parmesan cheese sprinkled lightly
Tossed Salad – small bowl of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish
Diet Dressing 2 Tbsp
Roll or bread

Fruit plate –
Apple 1/2
Banana 1/2
Raisins 1 Tbsp



Cereal 3/4 cup – Choose cereals that are low in sugar content such as Special K, Shredded Wheat, Wheaties, Raisin Bran, Oatmeal, or Puffed Wheat.
Milk 1/2 cup – 1% or non-fat only
Fruit 1 whole – Choice of orange, banana, pear, apple, grapefruit, or peach.
Coffee or Tea – Sugar substitute and/or low-fat milk or non dairy creamer may be added.

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Tuna fish sandwich –
Whole wheat bread 2 slices
Tuna 2 oz
Mayonnaise 1 tsp
Lettuce a few leaves
Peach 1/2

Cornish hen 5 oz
New Potatoes 1/2 cup or 1-2 small
Vegetable (carrots, green beans, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup
Strawberries or Blueberries 1/2 cup
Vanilla yogurt 1 Tbsp

English muffin 1 whole
Diet Margarine 1 Tbsp

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Chicken salad – 3oz chicken, 1 tsp mayonnase, chopped celery
Lettuce a few leaves under the chicken salad
Tomato 1/2 sliced

Baked or broiled fish 6oz
baked potato 1 medium
Vegetables choice of two (carrots, green beans, zucchini, cauliflower, spinich, or asparagus) 1/2 cup each
Apple raisin mix (1/2 apple diced, mixed with 1 Tbsp raisins)

popcorn – 4 cups air popped with 1 Tbsp diet margarine

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Cottage Cheese 1/3 cup
Cantaloupe 1/4 of whole, cut in wedges
Strawberries 1/2 cup
Lettuce – a few leaves under cottage cheese and fruit

Roast lamb or veal 5 oz
Baked potato 1 med
Diet margarine 1 tsp
Vegetable (green beans, broccoli, or asparagus) 1/2 cup

Raw vegetable plate – carrot sticks, celery, cauliflower, radishes
Crackers 6 unsalted

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Eggs 2 any style
Whole wheat bread 1 slice
Grapefruit 1/2

Spaghetti 1 cup cooked noodles
meatless sauce 5 oz
Parmesan cheese lightly sprinkled
Bread 2 slices
Diet margarine 1 Tbsp

Fruit, choice of two (banana, orange, pear, apple grapefruit, peach)

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Tossed salad – large bowl with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, bell pepper, and carrot
Diet dressing 3 Tbsp
Fruit – apple or pear

Broiled fish or shrimp 6-8 oz
Rice 1 cup
Vegetables choice of two (broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, spinich, or asparagus) 1/2 cup each
Orange Slices 1/2 cup
Vanilla or lemon yogurt 1 Tbsp

Bagel 1 whole
Cream Cheese 1/2 Tbsp

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Open faced grilled cheese and tomato sandwhich (2 slices whole wheat bread, each topped with slices of tomato and low-fat cheese, lightly grilled under broiler)

Roast beef 5oz
Baked potato 1 med
Vegetable (broccoli, zucchini, or asparagus) 1/2 cup
Tossed salad (small bown of lettuce, onions, tomato, cucumbers, and radishes)
Diet dressing 2 Tbsp

Cereal 1/2 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Banana 1 whole

BREAKFAST: Booster breakfast

Egg salad sandwich –
Whole wheat bread 2 slices
Egg 1 whole
Mayonnaise 1 Tbsp
Lettuce a few leaves
Strawberries 1/2 cup

Turkey or Chiken 5 oz
Rice 1/2 cup
Vegetables choice of two (broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, spinich, or asparagus) 1/2 cup each
Fruit 1/2 (orange, apple, peach, pear)

Repeat your favorite metabo meal from the booster menus

List of Substitutions
The book reccomends that you avoid changes in the basic menu plans at all costs! It’s repeated several times, so they really don’t want you to make substitutions… but if there are things you don’t like, or they’re out of season, I don’t think it’s really going to make that much of a difference. Oh, and if any of the vegetarians out there know of some good non-animal protiens, (or if someone wants to figure out how many ounces of tofu has the same amount of calories as an ounce of beef or something like that) I’ll add it to the list!

You can substitute any of the following fruits for one another in the same portion.


The following list gives you portions of different fruits that are equal to half of any of the above fruits.  You can substitute any of these fruits for one another or for the above list, as long as you use the portion indicated.

Apricots – 2 whole
Blackberries – 1/2 cup
Blueberries – 1/2 cup
Raspberries – 1/2 cup
Strawberries – 3/4 cup
Fig – 1 whole
Grapes – 3/4 cup
Mango – 1 whole
Cantaloupe – 1/4
Honeydew – 1/8
Watermelon – 1 cup
Papaya – 3/4
Peach – 1 whole
Persimmon – 1 whole
Pineapple – 1/2 cup
Plums – 2 whole
Prunes – 2 whole
Raisins – 1 1/2 Tbsp

Group 1 Vegetables:
One half cup of any of these can be substituted for any other.

Green Beans
Brussels Sprouts
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Summer Squash
Turnip Greens

Group 2 Vegetables:
These contain about three times as many calories as group 1 vegetables. They can be substituted for one another, but never substitute a group 1 vegetable for a group 2 vegetable.  You can substitute a group 2 vegetable for a group 1 vegetable, you get 1 1/2 cups of the group 1 vegetable.
Corn on the Cob
Lima Beans

These protiens are equal in calories to one another in the portions provided.

Beef – 1 ounce
Lamb – 1 ounce
Veal – 1 ounce
Chicken (skinless) – 1 ounce
Turkey (skinless) – 1 ounce
Cornish Hen (skinless) – 1 ounce
Fish – 1 1/2 ounces
Cottage Cheese – 1/4 cup
Egg – 1 whole small

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April 26, 2007

Sounds like a good well-balanced diet. I read up on it a little on a few webpages too. Also, I completely agree with you, you need to have the occasional treat or else face the wrath of super naughty binges from hell – everything in moderation, as the old saying goes!

April 26, 2007

I couldn’t even read through the entire menu. I was disgusted after the second day. People aren’t over weight because they ate 15 cucumber slices or a half head of lettuce. It seems balanced but really low in calories and it would get boring really fast. Also, with it being so limited, a persons body will get used to it and start holding onto the fat and actually gain weight or hit a plateau.

April 27, 2007

its not really a bad diet. if you make all the 1/2 cups of fruit adn veggie whole cups..its a perfet deit

April 27, 2007

Good luck to you and your mom! I don’t think I could do a plan with so much structure, but I know a lot of people do much better following a food plan like this. You’ll do great, I’m sure! 🙂

April 27, 2007

Basically it’s just eating healthy. It’s pretty much how i try to eat everyday only it’s planned out for you. I just can’t do diets where things are planned out like that because i don’t buy the groceries around here. I kind of say a few things i want but i would feel bad if i asked for all that different stuff at once. Good luck on your diet. HUGS

April 27, 2007

Good for you and thanks for your comments, you are also very beautiful and you shouldn’t let anyone tell other wise.

RYN: I totally know what you mean. I just spent 3 hours with my 105lb girlfriend that consumed: 2 eggs, 2 sausages, 2 pancakes, 2 slices of toast with butter, 1 glass of chocolate milk and a popcorn square — all for BREAKFAST. (Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE HER) But she can eat whatever she wants WHENEVER she wants and she CAN’T gain weight and she doesn’t look at cookies as “cheats”. It’s not fair.

This diet sounds healthy, if not a tad low on calories.

April 28, 2007

this must have taken a while to type up, haha! it seems like a pretty good plan and i like the idea of cheating here and there. that is a good way to stay true to a diet. you can do this! much love.