Temporary Glitch

Work was super slow today.  I spent about an hour facing the isle of table top frames, since Mark has been too busy messing up other things to actually do his job.  Then I voulenteered to do about 3 hours worth of inventory becuase I was so bored!  Maybe inventory isn’t the proper term.  See, one of our frame suppliers moved locations, our orders haven’t been coming in, the stocking crew we used to have filled in the empty spaces with up stock of other frames, then Mark comes along and rearranges everything.  So basically, (it’s a giant cluster fuck) we didn’t know what was missing.  So they gave me a list of the top sellers (since for what ever reason, we don’t have a basic list of what we carry) and I had to go through and match the numbers and sizes and figure out which frames were out of stock.  It took forever because the order was based on what sold the best, not size or anything.  In the end, it turns out there are 15 frames out of stock.  And I discovered that Mark did another dumb thing while rearranging frames.  He saved space by putting frames that are different colors, but the same style together.  Duh man, we have to have a seperate space for the black ones and a seperate space for the honey colored ones, even if the frames look alike… Grrrr…  At any rate, the powers that be were happy since they didn’t have to do it, and since I’ve been looking at this stuff for a couple of years, it didn’t take me as long as it would have taken someone else.  Oh, and I was able to catch a few frames that were out of stock, but not on the list.  It makes me slightly ill when I realize that I’m proud of myself for some dumb thing I did at work! ~L~

Oh, and they’re planning on fixing the mess Mark made, though when we go through all the trouble of re-setting it, we want to make sure to leave spaces for all the stuff that’s missing!  Despite that, creepy corprate guy was having Tammy, who works in the freight room, make back tags for every thing.  She was telling him how it was a waste of her time, even though there wasn’t anything in the frieght room for her to do.  He said, well, I want to make sure it’s done right.  She replied, well then someone should have been trained how to do it right in the first place!  (Every one knows that Mark’s an idiot!)  Creepy corprate guy *pauses* uh, *pause* don’t go there.  (The best way to imagine his voice and the general blank expression is to think of Napoleon Dynamite – I’m not even kidding!)  

In other work news, I was complaining to Cate about how my leg hurt.  (Some times when I haven’t been to kickboxing in a while, then I go and kick really hard, I’ll kinda pull some thing up around my leg joint.  Then I limp around for a couple of days, then it’s fine.)  Anyway, I started to tell her that I hurt my leg, then I inturrupted myself to tell her I saw Matt the other night.  She’s like, so, you saw Matt, and now your leg hurts?  Well, good for you!!  ~L~  Ok, I wish, but no! 

While I was at lunch, my friend Carrie was telling me that Jack (her great dane) made me a birthday card. ~giggles~  I really need to get a picture of me and Jack!  That dog won’t let Carrie out of his sight, unless I happen to be petting him.  He even started walking off with me the other day! Carrie was all, I hate you! He never does that!!  Anyway, she was telling me that she got blue paint on Jack’s muzzle in the process of trying to get his paw print on the card!  I have a feeling I may have to frame this card! ~s~

Another amusing thing happened today, about once a month, we get a customer who doesn’t understand why we’re charging them tax.  Some times it’s as simple as, but the total here says $87,  not $93.96!  And we just have to say, oh, the total on the work order is before tax.  But today, oooh, this lady was all in a tizzy, and said such things as, but I payed cash and you still taxed me?  And: Can’t I just put a $50 deposit down and have you charge the tax when I pay for the rest of it? She kept going on and on!  I wanted to go out and tell her that as much as we of the frame shop would like to declair ourselves an independant nation that doesn’t charge sales tax, we are, alas, part of the state of Washington; and said state requires that we pay an 8% sales tax on non-perishable goods.  Oy Vey!  I guess all though it was a slow, some what boring day, there were plenty of things to keep me entertained! 

However, for some odd reason, between the time I got home and the time I was about to leave for kickboxing class, this dark little cloud settled in over my head.  I’m not sure what triggered it, but I was suddenly in one of those crap ass moods of doom and gloom in which I feel completely miserable and am convinced beyond reason that I will never be thin because I am so useless, lazy, whatever, etc. blah…  Thankfully, my mom rocks and quite effectively vanquished the dark little cloud.  Yeah mom!! 

For about a minute in there, we were considering going to the gym or for a walk, but I had to go to kickboxing becuase I didn’t want to not go and have Matt think it was because of him.  Anyway, he’s still totally sweet, and we talked a little more, I mean just chit chat kind of stuff, but it was like before.  I really wish he would have just said he wasn’t interested, I mean at least then I wouldn’t still have this little glimmer of hope.  I mean since he’s so clueless about how love works, isn’t there a chance that he’ll get to know me better and change his mind?  ~sigh~  Mom told me just to be sure I don’t mistake his kindness for intrest.  That’s one thing I know for sure!  The only problem is, if he does change his mind, he probably wouldn’t say anything, since he’d all ready turned me down and would probably feel like an idiot.  I’m finding that my urge to write and tell him his theory is stupid is getting stronger.  Of course I still don’t want to sound like I’m being bitchy or begging for a chance or anything.  I guess I could just simply say that it’s usually better to get to know someone before deciding you love them, and all I was thinking is that we got along well enough that it would be worth going on a date to find out if there was something more there.  Oh, and that I wouldn’t say no if he were to change his mind.  Ugh. 

Maybe I just need to focus on getting over him.  Damn it, the giving of the crazy valentine was supposed to resolve this mess!  *booo*  I probably should just get over it, I mean it’s been really great that things are totally cool between us, and if I were to send him some other letter like that, it could really mess things up.  Besides, if I still want to, I can always try again when I get all thin and hot!  It would be more fun then anyway… ~L~

Oh, and besides that, I did get a reply from one of the guys I sent a message to last night on yahoo personals.  So maybe I’ll

have someone to help distract me from the whole Matt issue.  ~s~ 

Well, I was thinking that there was something else I was going to say, but I can’t remember, and besides, this thing is about a mile long anyway!  Hope everyone has a great Thursday.  It’s my Friday, so I’m excited, I’ve got a three day birthday weekend extravaganza planned!  (Ok, so maybe it’s more of a rough idea instead of a plan, and it might not be very extravaganza-ish, but still, it’s going to be loads of fun!!)



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March 22, 2007

I like the idea of an independent nation. Hmm. No Tax for only your favourite people. Everyone else: 25%!

March 22, 2007

i dont know how people that have lived here their whole lives dont understand how tax works. it is the same here..non perishable and we have no tax on necessities (clothes, shoes, and i think diapers). but ours is 6% and it is supposviely going up to 7 but i have yet to hear anything since that was announced *grumbles-stupid george bush*

March 22, 2007

Your mom sounds like a very wise woman. Have a great weekend. 🙂

If we had to write (certain) men letters every time we thought they were doing something stupid the world would run out of ink! RYN: Oh yes, it’s an excellent tool for weeding out. I rejected many profiles on the poor use of grammar alone!

March 22, 2007

I’d leave the Matt thing be. I think it would mess up the aloof friendship if you did that and wouldn’t be worth it.~jo

March 22, 2007

Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful weeend! =) RYN: Thank you for the birthday wishes.

March 22, 2007

try not to think about matt. you’ll find someone soooo much better for you. matt is a dink. that’s all there is to it. haha. you wrote “tizzy.” that made me smile. much love hon.

I hate people who don’t understand tax. I worked at a call center and people would complain that we were charging more tax than their state does. I was tired of it so I started ignoring the question, that makes them mad.