Still at it

So i’m still doing the house keeping thing, it’s gotten a little better, mostly in that I’m into the routine of it, and I’m still looking for another job.  I know that soon enough I’ll get something better. 

I had an interview last week at a day care, I haven’t heard back from them, but then again, I really don’t think I want to work at a day care where I wouldn’t leave my kids!  Yeah, it looked that bad.  It was just this run-down looking house, I mean if I were driving around looking for it and needing a place to leave my kids, I’d keep on driving!  And if you were really desperate and managed to make it inside, the condition of the place would make you walk back out.  It was just dirty, and they had a cat running around, not that I really have anything against cats (even though I’m allergic!) I just don’t think it’s a good thing to have a cat at a day care.

On the bright side, I have an interview at Home Depot tomorrow.  I’m hoping that they’ll remember me from when I was in there back in September, or October or when ever it was!  I think I did well in the interview, and it was just becuase winter is their slow time, and they probably found someone with more experiance or something.  Anyway, I’m also going to be turning in an application to Starbucks, since the store is actually open here now.

I’d really like to work at Starbucks, I think it would be a fun place.  Right now though, I’ll take just about anything, as long as I don’t have to drive 36 miles to get there!  Right now, I’m just counting the days until my drive to work is less than 10 minutes!!

In the mean time, Luke and I have been going for walks, it’s nice to get out again.  At first, I was having problems with my hips really hurting, I told Luke it was from too much sex, so we were going to have to stop that!  ~L~ He didn’t go for that at all!  Instead, we’ve just kept walking, and that went away, thank goodness!  I’ve never had problems like that before, no matter how long it had been between walks, so it was really frustrating!  I’m so happy to be walking again! And not hurting!  I’m thinking it’ll be nice when I get a job that’s closer to my appartment, I may even consider walking to work, or I’ll bring my bike, that would be nice!

Another random thing, on Saturday, Luke and I (mostly Luke) decided to make scallops and rissoto, since we’ve been watching Hell’s Kitchen, and those fools are having so many problems making scallops and rissoto, so he wanted to see how he did.  I have to say, he did a really good job!  It was awesome! I’ve got a man who can cook!  Wooo!!!

So yeah, things are going great with Luke and I, he’s so wonderful.  I’ve had a few rough days, just being tired from the work and the drive and the frustration of trying to find a job that’s closer, so he’s had to deal with me being all weepy, and he’s just been great the whole time.  I still worry from time to time that I’m going to annoy him or he’s going to some how loose his patience with me or something crazy like that.  Even after all this time, I’m still contaminated from the past, it’s just crazy!  I’ve been with Luke for all most a year now, longer than I’ve ever been with anyone, I was only with Jake for like 4 months, and maybe only one of those was really bad, so why does it have to still be haunting me after all this time??  So not fair…  It’ll be ok though, it doesn’t worry me as much as it used to, and with time it’ll be less.



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