Spread the Love

Hum, that sounds a little dirty… I like it!  ~L~ Anyway!  Tonight when I got home from work the first thing I did is make cookie dough!  If I’d been a good girl, I would have made it yesterday, then making cookies wouldn’t have taken so long tonight!  I made sugar cookies, which you have to let sit in the fridge for a couple of hours at least, 4 is ideal, but we couldn’t wait that long!  It went in the fridge at 6pm, and I was pulling it out at 8:30.  The cookies came out ok, but you can tell how the ones that were in the fridge longer held their shape better.  (I’m so damn picky…)  After that, I made about a gallon of pink icing, seriously, way too much icing.  I was thinking, oh, I don’t want to run out!  Sheesh!  Oh, then I think I whipped it too long or something, either that or I put too much flavoring in it.  First I put in vanilla, but then mom was saying how much everyone at her work loved the peppermint icing so much, so I put in peppermint extract too!  I just hope the dang stuff sets up now!  

So tomorrow mom and I are taking pretty heart shaped cookies with pretty pink icing, and pretty pink sprinkles to our work places! Yeah for pretty cookies! (Or at least I hope they’ll be pretty and the icing won’t be sliding off them or something!)  I’m even taking valentines to everyone at work, and I mean everyone.  Even my stupid manager and the creepy corprate guy!  I had these spongebob valentines that mom got on clearance like two years ago.  I’ve thought about throwing them out a couple of times, just because I didn’t think I’d ever do anything with them!  At least now they’ll be out of my way, and everyone at work will think I’m so darn cute and sweet! (As if they don’t know that all ready!!)  I bet creepy corprate guy hasn’t gotten a valentine since grade school when the kids HAD to bring valentines for EVERYONE! ~L~  (Hum, thinking of grade school valentines totally makes me want to wrap a box in construction paper and smear glitter all over it… *warm fuzzy memories*)

For a minute, I thought about feeling bad becuase I didn’t work out today, but then I realized how tired I was from being on my feet baking all night!  I didn’t even eat (too much of) the cookie dough! ~L~ Oh, and I made some little "diet" sized cookies to take to kickboxing too!  You know how they do it sometimes, oh, half the fat! (Because the cookie is now half the size!)  So everyone is getting some love tomorrow!  Then mom and I will come home after kickboxing and finish our valentines for each other!  This last week she was busy making valentines for her friends at work, and I was busy being a cranky pants and not wanting to think about valentine’s day!  Then tonight we had to make cookies, well, I had to make cookies, she was working on my valentine while I was baking.  It was pretty funny, I kept hearing her say things like, "Damn it!"  "Don’t do that!" "SHIT!" ~LOL~ It’s going to be the best valentine ever!!

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awww Happy valentine’s day! *hugs* omg lol send some cookies my way, they sound sooooooooooooo yummy.

February 14, 2007

Mmmmmmmm cookies.

February 14, 2007

I’m hungry for cookies now 🙁

February 14, 2007

Happy V-Day! :o)~jo

February 14, 2007

mmm, i would love to eat some sugar cookies. those would be so tasty. i used to make some with my mom when i was younger. i miss those days. don’t worry about missing the gym. we all need a few days off here and there. happy valentine’s day!! much love.

February 14, 2007

deal! You can have a cupcake and I’ll take a cookie! Actually, take all the cupcakes! I don’t need them around causing temptation!

I bet the cookies were so pretty. I could have totally helped with the extra icing! 😉

February 14, 2007

Aw those cookies sound so sweet! What do you mean you have to let it sit in the fridge for 4 hours? Don’t you just peel back the tube and slice the dough?? LMAO (just kidding of course!) *hugs*

February 14, 2007

RYN: Happy Valentines to you too 🙂

February 14, 2007

happy valentines day to you too! From me and Gnarly 🙂

February 14, 2007

I hope the cookies were a big hit at your work!