Some Progress

I finally made some progress on the garage!  Though before I could do that, I had to do some shopping!  Some it was actually stuff that I needed!  I mean when you’ve got a new boyfriend and you find out that Target has lacy panties on sale, you NEED to get new lacy panties!  ~L~  I did get some groceries too!  Funny story, I was buying some cereal, and I happened to glance at the generic cereal section and spotted a box of Coca Nuggets… but when I first glanced at the box, I thought it said Coca Niggers…  I was like, what the hell!?!? ~L~

Then I came home and made some phone calls, I called the people I’m going to be house sitting for because they wanted me to come over so they could show me some new things I need to do, so I’ll be going over there at 6.  Then I called my dad, we had a nice chat.  I really do need to talk to him more often.  It should be easier now that I’ll be hanging out with Luke, I’ll be able to talk about the stuff that Luke and I do and then I won’t be bringing up mom all the time.  Dad told me they’re having his birthday the weekend of the 11th!!  Yeah!!  That means Vegas on the 4th is good to go!!  I told dad about Luke, and about us going to Vegas, and how we’ve been joking about getting hitched down there, and how I said we couldn’t do that cause everyone I know would be mad at me!  Dad said, nah, we’d just have to have a big party when you got back!  I’m thinking, yeah, right, you say that now, but if I really did it you’d probably be pissed! 

Anyway, dad asked if I was going to bring Luke up for the party, I said yeah!  Then I told dad that I’d have to prepare him for what a real family gathering is!  ~L~  I mean if he was thinking 7 people was going to be too much for me when I met his family… I told dad all about that, and dad was saying yeah, you’ll have to make sure he’s ready for all of us!

For the breif moment I got to talk to Luke today I told him we were good to go for Vegas because dad’s birthday is the weekend after that!  Luke said that he was looking forward to meeting my family, and confirmed that the "save me/safe word" is "noodles".  I wrote him an e-mail latter and said, you know, if you said that, I’d probably stand there looking at you all perplexed!  ~L~ A lot of good a safe word does you when the other person forgets what it is!  Though I also told him that he doesn’t really have anything to worry about.  I think he’ll get along with my family rather well.  They aren’t that mean or scary or anything, and they’re happy as long as I’m happy. ~s~  I also told/wrote Luke that I’ve only ever taken one other guy home, and that was mostly because I wanted him to know who would be killing him if anything happened to me! (I met him on-line, and he came up from CA, not Jake though.)  So, no pressure or anything, but that means he’ll be the first official boyfriend to meet my family! ~s~

Oh, and Luke had written me the other day to say "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!"  He said there’s no reason we can’t get hitched down there then just do it up properly later!  ~L~  I said yeah right!  We’d get back, my mom would look at me, ask, did you get married?  And I wouldn’t be able to lie to her because she’d know I was lying becuase I’m a terrible liar! ~L~

He doesn’t know for sure yet, but he’s pretty sure that he’s going to have all of Tuesday off!  That means he’ll be able to come over after his Monday night shift!  He’d be getting here about 7am, on Tuesday, then of course I’d have to let him sleep for a while!  I wrote him and told him to let me know what he’d like for dinner, since I’m going to have to be doing something to keep myself away from him so he can sleep!!  ~s~  I’m so happy that I’ll be able to take him to the comedy show!  My universe is being so good to me! 

I’m sad that I have to work tomorrow and I won’t be able to talk to him even for that little while!  Though I guess since I’ll be able to actually SEE him the next day, I’ll be ok!

After all that, I finally got out in the garage!  I worked out there for a couple of hours, then I had to go over to talk to Maureen and Jeff about house sitting.  Their little dog loves me!  Maureen is always awestruck by how much Spike loves me.  She kept saying to her husband, "did you see how excited Spike was when he saw her?"  Aparently, he doesn’t love everyone as much as he loves me, which I find hard to believe because he’s so darn sweet!  Anyway, the only new thing they really had to tell me about was feeding the fish in their pond.  I’m not sure why I needed to come over for that, but I think they just wanted to talk to me for a little while so they felt better leaving me in their house!  We sat in their  back yard and chatted for an hour and a half, it was pretty nice.  Their back yard is awesome!  I’ll have to post some pictures of it next week!

When I got home, I worked on the garage some more.  It’s now to a point where we really just need to have a yard sale.  It can’t get much more organized without us setting up a bunch of tables and spreading it all out and getting rid of it!  The only thing I really have left to do is dust things off!  There’s a bunch of stuff that was still sitting out from the first impromtu yard sale that we had like 3 years ago! (Because the neighbors were having one, and there were so many people over there that we had to take advantage of it!!)  Once I get more of that cleaned up, I’m going to work on other parts of the house.  I want the place to look nice when mom gets here so she doesn’t figure out that I’ve been goofing off the whole time!!  ~L~

P.S.   All the past entries are now finished!  Continue clicking the pervious entry button to learn more! ~s~

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June 10, 2007

lace panties 🙂 very nice haha meeting the family is always so nerve wracking, for me anyway. you guys seem to be doing fine though. much love!

Haha, oh don’t you DARE get married in Vegas. But, make sure to do plenty of other naughty things.

June 11, 2007

haha, married in Vegas isn’t my style but the stress that goes into planning a full blown wedding almost makes it seem worth it! Lace panties are always good… hope everyone enjoys them 😉

June 11, 2007

Awe, Luke sounds adorable! 🙂 And yeah, meeting the family…woo, that can be a toughy during the first few visits (especially that very first one). Good luck!

I hate meeting the family so I hope it goes better for him than it did for me. Everything will be fine I’m sure. I’m so happy for you.

July 12, 2007