
Mom and I got up at 7am this morning… *booo*  I didn’t sleep very well, I’m not a fan of strange beds that are way too soft!  We had breakfast with grandpa, then he went out side to do something, mom went with him, and I went and took a nap!  Though it wasn’t as nice as it sounds, I didn’t totally fall asleep, and it was only for half an hour.  *yawn*

Then I went out side and watched my grandpa and uncle prune this huge tree that they have.  I mean like they’re all safety equipment and ropes and huge ladders, it’s crazy!  I did some sketching, I haven’t drawn anything in forever, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how I should start doing something more artistic.  I also brought some scrapbooking magazines, so mom and I were looking through those too, and I told mom for the hundrith time that I really like Luke!  🙂

I snacked some, I think I just felt hungry because I was still so tired!  But it was also me being bored.  I did get some exercise though in helping to drag the tree limbs into the back yard! Woo!  Oh, and I have a rotten headache from being so tired too!

I was thinking that I’ll keep my job a bit longer than originally planned, that way, if I do decide to go on a road trip with Luke, I’ll be able to take the time off easier.  I need to stop spending so damn much money on useless things!  And save some money for all the summer vacation fun I may be having!  It’s kinda funny that I haven’t even officially re-met the guy yet and I’m all ready thinking about going on some road trip with him!  Sheesh! ~L~  Oh, I can use my vacation time doing that too, since I don’t plan on being at my job through Christmas.  Tiffany was saying the other day that if we were still there this Christmas, we’ll have to slap each other!

After lunch, I took another nap, about 1 1/2, but it wasn’t very comfortable either, since I was sitting up in a chair with my shoes still on.  At least it brings me a little closer to being able to talk to Luke!  I’m really looking forward to talking to him tonight, since he’ll be my only form of entertainment! 

My uncle turned on the tv tonight and we were watching wrestling… of all things!  Seriously, my grandpa and my uncle are two of the smartest guys I know, just this morning, my grandpa was talking about one of the dams he built, and how he was calculating the thing within 128th of an inch! Not quarters or eigths or sixteenths or ever thirtyseconds, but 128ths!  And we’re watching wrestling?  Good greif!

Finally I was able to talk to Luke!  We somehow ended up talking about arguments, or something along those lines, since I told him how I sometimes avoid conflict and I used to be really bad at just saying I was sorry then shutting my mouth and letting things blow over.  I’m sure I’m breaking all kinds of dating rules about things you shouldn’t talk about before a first date!  I even told him about this guy Jeff, though just to laugh about Jeff’s take on me, which summed up, was, "Ouch, calm down, be quiet" (Don’t you hate it when a girl is rough, easily exciteable and loud? Yeah, me too! ~L~)  Luke laughed at that and swore he would never, never tell me to calm down or be quiet!  (Maybe he’s not too sure about the ouch factor yet… ~L~)  But he did ask again where I’d been all his life.  ~s~

We talked for 2 hours tonight, Wednesday seems so far away! It’s so nice to be excited about a date!  I mean this could really be something. ~giddy~

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May 29, 2007

try to get some rest