
Mom wanted to do a little yeard work this morning. I wasn’t in the mood, since I’d all ready decided that I just wanted to hang out in the craft room.  So I was a little cranky.  We ended up just doing a few things, then we went and did the craft room thing. 

It was much more enjoyable hanging out in there than wasting my time on line!  I cleaned up my side of the table, then I pulled out this wedding album for some friends of ours.  They’re actually about to have their 3 year anniversary this July.  I meant to have it done a lot sooner, obviously!  But now I’ve got it all properly organized, and I spent a lot of time scanning and enlarging/shrinking down pictures for it.  Now I just need to finish making the pages.  It should be done by the end of the week I think.

That really made me feel better, about everything.  I stopped thinking about the crap at work, though I did come to the conclusion that I don’t want to be the kind of person they’d want me to be in order for them to even consider me for management.  It’s not worth it. I’d much rather let some other sucker deal with everything!

In the mean time, I really am going to focus A LOT more on doing the things I truely love! I’ve got so many ideas in my head for scrapbooks that I could sell! As soo as I finish this wedding one, I’ll be all over those! 

Oh, and blah with the food log thing for now… ~L~  I can’t remember what I ate since I didn’t write it down yesterday!

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April 30, 2007

I love scrapbooking! Definitely do as much as you can now, before you have kids 😉 When I drag all my scrapbooking stuff out, my kids take that as the que for “Mama, I want this…” or “Mama, I need that…” Grr! lol

You’ll have to upload photos of your projects when you can! 🙂

April 30, 2007

I absolutly love Scrapbooking, I bought a 2500 peice set from an infomercial once. LOL

April 30, 2007

scrapbooking is so much fun. i have one i made about my favorite band, dave matthews band. it made me feel good to fill in the pages with lyrics, pictures, concert stubs, memories. i kind of stopped though because they just crank out too many cds that the 3 inch binder is basically bursting. i’d love to catalogue my life though, even all these diary entries i write. someday. much love hon.

April 30, 2007

it’s good you have something that will calm you down. Relaxes you and you enjoy it. That’s a most definetly a need. 🙂

April 30, 2007

Thanks a million for all your great notes hun. *hug* You definitely need to do more of the things you love – take time for yourself!!