scrapbooking and sims

I didn’t work out today.  I haven’t done anything in ages… ~sigh~  Ok, maybe it hasn’t been that long, but it feels like it. The only note worthy thing about work was that tonight this guy came in asking about matting a picture.  He was hot.  Seriously, totally, completely HOT!  And I was able to talk to him and help him and not feel all flustered and stupid.  Though it might have helped that he was a little flustered and couldn’t seem to get out what he was wanting.  It was kinda cute.  ~s~  It’s always helpful to have really hot guys appear to be human.  I hope he comes by again sometime.

Tonight, I made another scrapbook page modled after the one I’m doing for the class I’m teaching on Saturday.  If I wasn’t being so lazy, I’d go take a picture of it, but I’m being lazy, so just remind me about it later!  If any of you are into scrapbooking though, here’s a handy tip, you can but flowers at the dollar store, anything that can be taken apart and the layers lie relatively flat will work nicely.  Not only that, but you can also use acrylic paint to make them any color you like!  I did that with this layout, and I’m definately going to do it again!  I love painting things to match!  Ok, I decided to not be lazy, here’s a picture of it:

Oh, and a picture of the page like it that I did for the scrapbooking class I’m teaching this Saturday:

That’s the only productive thing I really did today.  Other than that, I played with my sims.  Stupid sims.  I love making houses… I want to get the sims 2, but I’m afraid I’ll waste even more time playing that than I do this one!  ~L~  ok, it would be funnier if it weren’t true!!  I’m sure eventually I’d tire of it, just like I get tired of this version and stop playing it for a while, but in the mean time, yikes, I’d stay up forever playing!!  Actually, I need a new computer before I can do that.  I want to get some better photo editing software too, if I keep doing scrapbooks for people and having to enlarge pictures and what not, it would be nice to be able to print good quality pictures and edit them in the needed ways. 

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