Ringing in the New Year

I worked from 8 to 4 today, it was pretty slow, nothing too exciting going on.  I asked Mary, who’s in charge of the scrapbooking department, if she needed any Valentine’s day demos made up, she said go for it, so I picked out some stuff for a project.  I figure it will be pretty dead tomorrow too, so I’ll have something to do!  I’m going to decorate this little chipboard book thing that says love if it looks somewhat familiar to those of you who have been reading me for a while, you may recall the crazy crush valentine from earlier this year: The difference is, I used our fancy computerized mat cutter to make my own version of the crappy cheap chipboard thing, so mine is bigger, and stronger, and tied with ribbon, I love ribbon… the point is, I hope I’m able to do some thing cool with their cheap ass version! 

I was glad mom had a party to go to tonight, even if it wasn’t going to be for the whole night.  (Who the hell has a new year’s party that ends at 9pm anyway?)  Her friend came and picked her up a few minutes after I got home.  Then Luke and I spent about an hour in bed. ~s~  It wasn’t all like that!  ~L~ We actually spent a good deal of time just wrapped up in each other, kissing and talking, it was wonderful.

We finally drug ourselves out of bed and got ready to go out to dinner.  I told Luke I wanted Thai food, but since we had it earlier this week, he was over his craving, I told him it was all his fault for getting me to like it in the first place!  He said we could get Thai if I really wanted, but he kinda wanted Mexican, so we ended up getting Mexican. (I’m still craving Thai food though!)  Right when we ordered our food, mom called for me to come pick her up, luckily, she wasn’t in too much of a hurry to leave, so we finished our food then went to pick her up.  I think Luke was a little irritated, just because he said he thought she was going to be there longer, so I’m sure he just wanted to spend some more time alone with me. 

After we picked up mom, we drove around a bit looking at Christmas lights.  It was fun, though not as much fun as it would have been if we would have been able to do it before Christmas!  We stopped at the store and picked up some snacks and a bottle of champagne, and a bottle of wine, only because they sell local wine there, and there was this pinot noir  (which the computer is telling me is spelled wrong, but I don’t care) from this winery Luke and I went to this summer, and it’s really great stuff!  Oh, and we bought some beer, since the wine and champagne weren’t enough!  ~L~

Luke brought one of his net flicks movies, Blood Diamond, so we watched that.  It was ok, nothing I would have picked out to watch, but a little better than mom making us watch some chick flick for the billionth time!  The movie ended about 20 minutes til 12, so we turned it to fox (the only tv station we can get in on our antenna!)  Luke and I went to open the champagne, he reminded me about the contents under pressure thing, though I should have taken the bottle out side!  The cork was really loud when it popped out, and luckily, it just hit the ceiling and came back down without breaking anything!  Did I mention that by this time Luke and I had all ready drank a case of beer and the bottle of wine?  ~L~

We toasted at midnight, and I got my first ever new years kiss from a man who loves me. ~s~  I took some pictures of us pouring champagne and toasting and what not, but they’re still on my camera!  Mom went off to bed, Luke and I stayed up a bit longer, and all though we were mostly willing, we kinda ended up passing out before we got to bring in the new year properly! 

All in all, it was a good night.  Next year though, we’re making plans for a motel room in Seattle! 

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January 2, 2008

mmmm, i LOVE thai food! it’s my favorite so i totally understand your craving. yea for new years kissed of love! glad you had a good night 🙂