Rewards & The Would Be Perfect Day

Recently, I decided to up-date my weight loss goals, well, really, change them back to what they used to be when I first started my web page and was trying to get serious about weight loss.  So I changed what had been on there, including a goal of reaching 234, which I’d recently accomplished, and since I’ve been struggling so long to get to that goal, I decided today should be my reward for that.  It worked nicely, since I all ready had my massage scheduled, and at the spa they happen have to have some pretty things you can buy. So I bought some expensive, but very gorgeous and luxurious slippers that I’d been eyeing the last time I was there in December! Later, I went to Target and bought 4 pairs of underware, a pair of pajamas, a purse that came with 2 smaller matching bags, some gloves, and some cute pink stripped socks! (Everything I bought was actually on clearance, so all together, along with a few little valentine presents for mom, ended up costing $30)

Anyway, my massage was wonderful! Usually when I get a massage I go to a student, it’s only $25 for an hour, which is a really good deal, though they’re only avaliable Monday and Thursday, and there are some times of year they aren’t avaliable because of the changing classes. The last couple weeks of December was one of those times, so the receptionist mentioned that they had a new practitioner who was doing a $35/hour special, (The school is in the same location as their spa) so I made an appointment with her. I was really impressed! So recently, I came across this cupon for a 90 minute massage for the price of the 60 minute massage, (The regular price for 60 minutes is $65) so I saw the same lady today, and she’s really, so, so good! I just may have to up-grade from the student massages.  It means paying more, but I think the differance really may be worth it! Let’s compare and contrast, A – the actual spa with B – the student massage:

A. You can make an appointment any day Monday through Saturday from 9 to 6.

B. Only avaliable Monday and Thursday from 10:30 to 5

A. When you come in early you get to sit in the spa’s relaxation room.  There’s a comfy couch and they bring you a warm neck wrap and you can drink expensive tea that comes in silk pyramid diffusers out of a pretty tea cup while you wait.

B. You wait in the class room they use to teach the massage students on a hard plastic chair, where they sometimes remember to offer you some water in a tiny, tiny paper cup.

A. You get a nicely decorated, private massage room.

B. One big room in the basement that’s now divided up with curatins, and there are other people getting massages, so you have to listen to them cough or talk or whatever.

A. The softest, most lovely high-thread count sheets ever. 

B. The cheap sheets that should be soft from getting washed all the time, but really aren’t.

A. You can pay with a credit card when you first get there and leave as soon as you’re done.

B. Check or cash only, pay after, and you don’t really *have* to do it, but they really want you to fill out a questionaire about how everything was. 

A. Someone who really knows what they’re doing, and the ability to see the same person every time so they get to know you and your preferances and your needs.

B. Someone who’s just learning, and you can’t always get the same person the next time.

Yeah, I think I’m going to up grade!  If nothing else, the quality of the massage is really worth it. I’ll probably really spoil myself and do the 90 minute massage, even though it’s $90! (Yes, I know, I spoil myself very well. ~s~)

The only thing that really spoiled the day was that I only got about 4 hours of sleep, I was deydrated all day, and I still felt pretty bleh from the food last night. I didn’t feel like eating anything today because of that! Not that I felt guilty about the calories or antyhing like that, but because the thought of more food just wasn’t appealing at all! Not even when I got hungry did I feel like eating anything.  It wasn’t until my stomach started growling at me that I had some dry toast with jam. (I did eat more later that’s not all I had all day!) I’ve been drinking water all day, but I’m still not 100%, and it kinda sucks because I would have loved to have opened a bottle of wine tonight to celebrate my reward day, but drinking more would definately not be a good idea!

Also, I really wanted to get my room cleaned this weekend, and I wanted to work out, but it kinda defeats the purpose of a massage if you go exercise and do a bunch of stuff!  I cleaned my room a little yesterday, and I did a few little things today, so it does look better, I just want it to be a nice, calm, tidy space again! I spent most of the day sitting in my little reading nook enjoying a good book, something I haven’t done for a very long time!

I also spent some time thinking about rewards for other up coming goals.  The rewards I had before were things like massages and facials and pedicures, things like that.  Though now I treat myself to things like that on a regular basis, but I realized I do the same thing with that stuff as I do the massage.  I go downtown to the beauty school and get really good prices on all these services.  So I figured that for my goals, I can reward myself with a fancier, more expensive service. (Then hopefully I don’t become dissatisfied with all my less expensive alternatives!) Then I’ll do like I did today and throw in some new clothes or something I’ve been wanting for a while and spend the day relaxing! Yeah… sounds like a good plan to me!

All right, again it’s 1:30am, and I’m still up, even though I should have been in bed hours ago to make up for last night’s lack of sleep!  I guess the next goal I should work towards is a decent sleeping schedule!

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January 28, 2007

Sounds like a lovely reward and I would totally upgrade as well. Especially if it’s only $10. I’ve actually never had a proper massage but I keep telling myself I’m going to go get one and then never thinking of it.~jo

January 28, 2007

yes you should definately upgrade! and wow, you are a great bargain hunter! i am one myself, not to brag or anything 🙂 it’s a great idea to give yourself spa treatment as rewards. massages are so good for the body. i should go sometime. much love hon.