
So I ended up telling my manager that I had a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so I needed to leave by two, because if I didn’t take this one, I’d have to wait a month to get in! ~L~ I figured it was better than involving my mom in anything, on the off chance that someone might see her walking around all fine tomorrow!

I made sure though that the manager doesn’t have anything to complain about. Everything is done. I might even get to work on another scrapbook display tomorrow, that’s how done everything is!  I was telling Tiffany how much I’d done, and she was amazed, she even said she felt bad cause she usually slacks off because she doesn’t think anything is really that pressing. So I told her how Max was being a little weird when I asked to leave early, so that’s why, I didn’t want to give her any reason to say I couldn’t go.  I mean cause then I’d have to tell her to go to hell and leave anyway!  When I was telling Luke how reluctant she seemed to let me go early, he said maybe she’s on to me and she knows I’ve got an interview.  I told him I didn’t really care any more, it’s not like she’s going to fire me anyway!

Oh, in a round about way, that reminds me… I got this little note, tapped to my locker (SO professional!) letting us "management" people know that we’re going to be doing inventory and what we need to do for that… I was telling Tiffany how I think I’ll just use my sharpie to write on it "Sorry, I’m not a manager!" and hand it back to them!  I mean I’ve always been told I was just the "head framer" and hell, last time Max introduced me, she just said I worked in the frame shop, so I say to hell with their inventory! Well, and with any luck, I won’t be there any more!

So yeah, I have an interview tomorrow! (Well, today!) I don’t know if it’s the best job ever, it would be working at one of those quick cash/payday loan places, but whatever!  At this point, I don’t really care any more! Just hire me so I can be with my sweetie! I can keep looking for another job when I’m up there!  I’ve also been contacted by the higher-ups of the same company for the management position. (They’re opening a new store up there, so I put in for both jobs!)  So I should have a phone interview for that on Friday, I haven’t been able to actually talk to the lady, we’re playing phone tag big time, but I’m sure it’ll work out!)  Then I’ve also got a prospect for a house cleaning service, not the most glamourous thing, but it pays $10 an hour, which is what I get now, and I’d all most rather clean houses than deal with the kind of people I imagine using a quick cash place (I hate that I’m even prejudiced in that way!) I also inherited my mom’s knack for worrying too, so I wonder how susceptable a place like that would be to robbery… Anyway, like I said, I’m not too picky right now, I just want to be up there!!! 

I miss Luke so much.  It’s crazy how much I miss him. A day goes by since the last time I saw him and I feel like it’s been a week!  It’s bad when I go to bed too, I’m always wanting him to be there to cuddle with!  I got to talk to him for over an hour tonight, that was nice. Usually we don’t get to talk for very long because I’m hanging out with my mom and it’s late when I call him, and he’s tired and has to get up early the next day, so anyway… it’s always so nice when I’m able to talk to him for a little longer.  I can’t always remember what Luke and I talk about, but the important part is that we talk!  I told him about my totally blonde moment.  I’d recently bought some new socks, and I wore a pair of them, then I couldn’t find the rest of the pack. I looked every where for them! Well, tonight I’m putting away my laundry, and what do you know, my socks were in the sock drawer! ~L~ Who the heck would think to look for them there?? 

Luke keeps telling me that one of these days he’s just going to show up and whisk me off somewhere and make me marry him so I won’t fret so much about all the wedding details. ~L~ I told him I’d still make him go through the formal ceremony and reception and everything, so it wouldn’t matter!  Then I told him, besides that, we’re all ready married anyway!  I don’t remember if I wrote it here or not, but back in June, like less than a month after we met, I’d taken my $10 cubic zirconia ring to show him the style I liked.  He looked at it, then put it on my finger, and said, "you know, in some cultures, we’d be married right now."  ~s~  So I told him to get this whole eloping thing out of his head!  Besides, I couldn’t do it without the dress at least! The dress that I’ve been dreaming and planning for a good 10 years… (I was trying to find a picture on line, but the simplicity pattern site is not responding… I’ll have to post a pic latter!

Tiffany and I were talking today about the $300 or so the government is supposed to give everyone this year to make us be better consumers.  I told her that I’m just going to take mine straight to the bank and apply it to my car loan!  I was thinking about putting it in savings, but I know if I do that, I’ll just over spend on my credit card, then use it to pay that! (Which is part of the governments evil plot!!) So that’s what I’m going to do! Pay off something I all ready bought! So there! I’m gonna stick it to the man!!  HA! ~L~

Really though, I do need to get that loan paid off, it’s just silly. Even more so because I keep paying all these credit card bills that would equal like two to four car payments, and it’s really annoying that I could have all ready paid the thing off by now if I wasn’t such a good consumer!  It would be so nice to get that paid off!  No more car payment!  And my insurance would go down too because I wouldn’t have to be paying full coverage any more!

My mom’s golden retriever is going to be 10 in May.  It wouldn’t be so bad, but she’s pretty chubby, and tonight when we put the dogs in my truck to take them to the park and walk, she had trouble getting in the truck.  Though she was all too willing to jump right out! Yikes! Luckily, I was there and waiting, I all ready had my arms under her and caught most her weight and lowered her down gently!  On the other hand, my dog Maggie is just a bundle of energy!  you could walk that dog ten miles a day and I don’t think she’d get tired!  I remember once I thought I’d walked her too long (3 hours!) and when we got back home and I put her in the back yard, she started just tearing around like she’d been resting the whole time!

It was dark tonight when we got to the park, but not as cold as we thought it was going to be. It’s just so nice to get out and walk again!  Mom was saying how excited she is to be walking again now that it’s getting nice out, and I was commenting how in the previous years, we were still doing kickboxing, and going to the gym more often.  I really hate how kickboxing became this whole annoying thing.  Why couldn’t they just be supportive and not suck? Mom and I should make up our own class and do it!  I actually even bought a heavy bag, which I have no where to hang!  Anyway, it was just nice to walk! 
<br />I’m happy knowing how much Luke likes to walk too, so I know I’ll be able to say, hey, let’s go for a walk! And he’ll be all for it! Back before it got all snowy and cruddy, we walked to town (in Omak) and had lunch, it was so nice!  (Since our apartment is a whole 1/2 mile from main street!)  I think this weekend I’ll talk him into walking to town to see a movie!  That would be fun! 

So the last few days I’ve been using the south beach bars, and I’m pretty impressed.  Not only do they make me feel full, they actually taste good too!  I’m most impressed by how long they keep me satisfied, I mean I’ve tried that whole slim fast thing (same number of calories!) but I’m starving a couple hours latter!  Protien is a good thing!  I’ve been doing good on drinking more water too.  My goal is to do the whole take your weight, divide by two and drink that many ounces of water, but for now, I’ll settle for the eight glasses a day rule! 

I’m actually feeling guilty about eating anything besides the south beach bars, but really, I know if I weren’t eating them, I’d be eating so, so many more calories.  I still feel that even with the bars I’m still eating more calories than I should.  For the most part, the bars are all I eat during the day, then when I get home I’ll have a normal dinner.  Now that I’m walking again, hopefully it won’t be long before I’ll see a change!

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February 20, 2008

I was always very surprised at how filling and long-lasting the bars are too. They’re like… amazing. Seriously! I’m sure it won’t be long at all before you see a change! Keep up the good work sweetie! RYN: I would totally use the “I’m on a diet and I’m not going to ruin it” line without hesitation but the place we’re going is healthy (Quiznos) so it won’t really fly. At least it’s “fast”food so it won’t be so weird for me to not eat. I’m just going to make it no big deal and say I ate a late lunch and am not hungry. Also, thanks for the suggestions on the tea! I really need to get into tea more, I do love it. 🙂

February 21, 2008

Good luck on the interview! I really hope it pans out for you! Ohhh, how I wish I could go for walks! It’s so freaking cold here right now! And the worst of it isn’t even over yet! Grrr. I miss going for nice long walks, especially with my dog, and it’s always nice with a companion (male human) 😉 Have a fantastic weekend hon!!!

February 21, 2008

ha.! “don’t let tomorrow use too much of today” that sounds awesome!!!thanks!

February 22, 2008

yeah… that sounds right…peace of mind……… yeah… nothing better than peace of mind specially when it comes to pay for things..

February 24, 2008

Eew, you still tasted the cigar 3 days later?? I hope Scott never gets the idea to smoke a cigar! I’m hoping my dad will run out soon.. he bought 3 boxes of 25 when my parents went to the Dominincan Republic at the begnning of January… I’m hoping he’s almost out!!! So you’re looking for a job where Luke lives so you can live near him? Haha, we’re in the same boat.:D Wow, and you’re engaged already? That’s awesome! 🙂 Scott and I both know we want to get married, but we’re not in a rush. He has to finish school still. 🙂 But it’s great being on the right track! You guys will have to visit us in Vancouver when I’m settled in over there! How far away are you?

February 24, 2008

*beginning of December

February 24, 2008

That’s further than I thought! Even though I should know better… I know how big Washington is! 😉 That would be awesome if you guys visited! I’m sure Scott would be more than willing to go down there too. We love travelling.;) I’m just so excited for living over there… there’s so much great stuff in all directions! :)I’ve pretty much exhausted all the Calgary area has to offer… and for a southern state, we’re stuck with Montana.;)