Party Girls

Tonight I went out with my friend for her 21st birthday. She’s decided that she loves the bar, and has declaired that she will now spend every day she has off at the bar. ~L~ Of course, she’s this tiny little cutie pie, and I imagine that bars are a lot more fun when cute guys pay attention to you and buy you drinks.  I didn’t drink tonight, ok, well, I had a few sips, but I didn’t even get a little buzz.  I ended up playing momma bear and keeping the scummy drunk guys away from my cute little girlfriends, and unfortunately, I spent way too much time at the table babysitting drinks and purses!  I don’t mind staying sober, but I mind not being able to go dance!  This is why when I go out I take the smallest clutch I have that holds just what I need so I don’t have to worry about hauling around (or leaving) a purse anywhere!

Earlier tonight I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go.  I can be such a homebody sometimes.  Most of the time, I’d much rather stay home, open a bottle of wine and read a book or take a bath, or whatever!  Had it been just any other night, I wouldn’t have gone, but it was cutie pie’s birthday, so I had to go! I ended up having a good enough time.  Actually, my cheeks hurt from laughing too much! I suppose that means the night wasn’t all bad! And it was a good thing I went, I had to take a couple of friends home, and I was glad I could provide a safe ride for them.

Let’s see, other than that, I worked on cleaning my room today.  It’s not completely done, but it’s getting closer!  Tomorrow I need to go get some hooks to hang up all my purses and hats in my closet.  Before, I just had a bunch of random hooks and nails in my closet wall, but now I’m trying to make my closet look all nice and organized, so I need something better!  I was going to work out today, but that never quite happened.  Though while I was cleaning, I walked back and forth through the house quite a few times! Woo! ~L~ Ok, tomorrow I’ll either go to the gym or bust out the good ol’ walk away the pounds tape!

P.S. If you missed it, check out my "Do you diet for yourself?" entry.  Ok, it turned into more of an essay than an entry, but I thought it was pretty interesting, and I got carried away and spent a lot of time writing it, so really, I just need ya all to appreciate my brilliance!  (Or tell me I over-think things, whatever!)

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February 3, 2007

I’m the same way, most of the time I’d just rather stay home. It sounds like you had an awesome time though! You’re probably right about bars, I bet they are a lot more fun when guys are flirting and buying you drinks… but you know, those are the wrong type of guy anyway, the type that are only after your body. They say the grass is always greener on the other side. LOL

February 3, 2007

I understand about babysitting purses and whatnots. I never volunteer, and well I’m irresbonsible and forgetful and would just walk away so I don’t get pegged to do it much. I don’t bring anything w/me I stuff it in my pockets and GO! 🙂 Glad you had fun.

February 3, 2007

i am such a homebody too! it’s sad, really. i do need to get out more and i have been lately. sorry you couldn’t get your groove on at the bar. dancing is so much fun. but i’m happy you enjoyed yourself nonetheless and i’m sure the other girls did too. much love hon.

February 3, 2007

Glad you had a good night! I’m definately a homebody too, and usually don’t want to go out, but I’m always glad after I do go out 🙂

February 4, 2007

I am a major homebody lol, but luckily my husband gets me up and out of the house, or I might not ever leave it! Thanks for the note!!

February 4, 2007

Thank you for you note. I haven’t read your weight loss entry yet but I will. I am very intrigued.