Panic Scrap Attack!!

Mom called me this morning and told me that Colleen wants to pick up her album this weekend!  Eeek!!  (Granted, she has every right to want it back, since I’d had it for about a year and a half now!!)  So I’m really glad that I’d pulled it out a few days ago and got started on it again!! 

After that, I spent ALL day working on that album!  I felt bad any time I stopped to do anything else!!  Luckily, since I had some pages done all ready, and the pictures for the other pages picked out and at the size I wanted them, it wasn’t too much of a hassle!  I don’t think I’ve ever spent an entire day scrapbooking like this before!  I mean I’ve spent entire days organizing supplies, or making some elaborate layout or thinking about things, but never actually DOING!  This was a whole day of putting pictures on pages and pulling the whole thing together!  Granted, it would have been more enjoyable had I not felt so rushed!  (ok, and guilty for having waited so long to finish it!!)

By the end of the day, I had all but the last 3 pages done!  Two of them were of the reception, which was about a month after the actual wedding, and I didn’t have the pictures picked out for those ones yet, and by that time, I was all scrapped out!  I figured if she comes tomorrow to pick it up, it’s good as it is, and I can always get the last few pages to her later!  I’m still keeping some of the photos to do an album for her daughter though!  So I still have that project, which I’m going to start working on as soon as I’m done with the main album!  I should be able to get it done in two weeks or less!  I’ll post all of the pictures of the pages from the main album when I get the last few pages done!

After all that "hard" work, I had the drive-in as a reward.  Though mom and I decided to make salads to take with us instead of some kind of junk!  (Salad is like a bazillion times better than the KFC genetically altered chicken we had last weekend! ~L~)  Though the salad at the drive-in didn’t seem as fullfilling.  I think I crave something warm when I’m there.  Next weekend, we’ll have to do the mongolian BBQ again, that’s really yummy!  Speaking of yummy, I had a movie theatre popcorn craving, which was probably brought on because we had salad for dinner, fortunately, the popcorn they had was really good!  And you get a free refill when you buy a large!  Yeah!  ~L~ 

The only bad thing about the drive-in is that my cute drive-in boy wasn’t there. ~pouts~  Of course I didn’t even manage to ask his name last weekend or anything, so I don’t know what I’m complaining about!  Still, it’s nice just to see him, if only for a minute… Ugh, just what I need, another dumb crush! 

Anyway, we saw Vacancy and Perfect Stranger.  I was mad because they were playing Grindhouse last weekend (the double feature thing with Tarantino and Rodriguez) and I was so sure they were going to play it again this weekend, but they didn’t, and now I’m kicking myself for not seeing it last weekend!!  Anyway, Vacancy was dumb.  Your typical horror movie crap.  Just once (ok, besides Scream 2) I’d like to see someone shoot the killer in the head even after they put 4 bullets in their chest.  They always come back!  Sheesh!!  ~L~  Though I guess if the people in horror movies were smart, it would defeat the whole purpose! 

Perfect Stranger was pretty decent.  I was saying to mom before it started how much I love Bruce Willis, and since Demi Moore is dating/with/whatever Ashton Kutcher, and he’s my age, that that means I could be with Bruce Willis!!   ~L~  (Come on, it could happen!! Ok, I just found out that he was born the same year as my mom, though stragely enough, that really doesn’t bother me… ~L~) Then I have to say the title perfect stranger makes me think of Balki Bartokomous (yes, that’s the correct spelling – I looked it up!) and cousin Larry from that sit com Perfect Strangers.  (god I’m old!)   Both those blonde chicks have perfect 80’s hair!  Then, (back to the actual movie) why is it that Giovanni Ribisi always looks cracked out?  What’s up with that? Anyway, it was decent.  Nothing I’d buy, but decent. 

After we got home, I did more scrapbooking, but it’s going to take a while to figure out those last couple pages, since I didn’t really have a plan for them to start with!

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I remember Perfect Strangers. Question is, do you remember Giovanni Ribisi from My Two Dads??