Packing and whatnot

I have other entries in the works for the past couple of days, but so much has been going on that I haven’t been able to finish writing it all out!  Anyway, I had a brilliant plan for today, and though I did actually get more done than I thought I would, I still have a lot to do!

This morning I had to take my car down to the tire place, I was over due for a rotation, and the other day when I got my oil changed, they told me that my rear brakes were about shot, and I should get them fixed right now, and if I waited, the price could increase dramatically.  Wow, I really love mechanics who try to take advantage of girls.  Sorry mister, all though I don’t know a ton about cars, I know a little bit. And beyond the little bit that I know, I have the common sense to get a second opinion before I drop like $400 on new brakes.  I mean espechially when the pacific northwest has Les Schwab tire centers, who will inspect my brakes at no charge.  ~L~

I took my car in there and told the guy what the other guy had said, and he’s all, so you want us to check it out? I said absolutely!  And yeah, my brakes are at about 30%, not in dire need of being fixed right now! Sometimes I really hate that I don’t know more about cars. My dad is a genius with the stuff. I really wish he would have taught me more.  Anyway, they also took a look at the noise coming from the front end. It’s been making that noise since we got it, but it’s been getting louder. So they figured out what it was, so I called my dad, and he’s going to price out the part, so hopefully he finds it and can do it for me. Then I’ll just have to pay for the part and make dad some banana bread! 

So yeah, I spent most of my morning down there, then I had mom come get me when I realized it was going to take another hour or so.  She took me home, and was going to go back to work, until we realized it would be pretty pointless for her to go back to work for 30 minutes then come back to take me to my chiropractor appointment.  So mom played solitaire.  (I really shouldn’t have showed her how to play spider solitaire!) While she did that, I went to my room and continued packing.

I started with the pile of clothes I had, went through what was left in my closet, and basically started making my way around the room. I’m pretty much going through everything to see if there’s anything I need to take. I also got a big garbage bag to aid in the process. I figured if I was going through things, I might as well toss some things that had been around for ages.

Then I went to my chiropractor appointment.  The doctor is great, and I really do wish I’d been seeing him the whole time, but what are ya gonna do? And now, I’ll only be able to see him maybe once a month when I come home to visit my mom.  In the mean time though, I packed my yoga tapes, and he’s showed me some stretches, and I’m going to vow to be in better shape/flexability when I see him next!

After that, mom and I went and had lunch.  There’s this little burger joint that’s about 10 miles out of town that we used to go to every so often back when I wasn’t working, then when I had Wednesday off (because their burger bundle is $4 on Wednesdays!) So we decided it would be perfect to go there for lunch today.  After lunch, mom and I went to my FORMER place of employment to do the make and take card that they were doing today.  After we made our cards, I found a fish to buy. (Yes, they sell beta fish in the floral department, I don’t know why, but I know they’re well taken care of, so they survive more than a week after you take them home!)  Oh, and I still got my employee discount, since I’m actually using the rest of my vacation days!  Then mom took me to pick up my car, which we’d left at the tire place, kinda hoping that dad would just say to have them fix it, but oh well, if it saves me some money to have dad do it, that’s good too!  Then mom went back to work, and I went back to packing. 

When mom got home, we did some shopping, then went to another resturant that we hadn’t been to in a while. The food was great, as always, and we got free dessert because the waitress felt like she’d messed up a lot, but she was so sweet about it that we didn’t really mind. After we got home, I did some more packing, then I talked to Luke for forever on the phone. He keeps trying to convince me that I need to move up there tomorrow! ~L~ It’s so sweet, and I told him I hope he doesn’t change his mind when he comes home and I’ve got piles of my crap everywhere! 

I still can’t believe that I’ve got so much left to move.  I mean I’ve had since like mid October to do all of this!  I guess it just never really sunk in though.  Sadly, I know I have been haunted by what happened with Jake, so in a way, I was putting off some of the moving until I really knew for sure that it was happening.  ~sigh~ The scars of past lovers… it’s at least comforting to know that they too fade with time. 

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March 13, 2008

i hate packing, i think it is sooooo stressful

March 13, 2008

hmm, i really like that last line. very true. sounds like an enjoyable day out with your mom! and it’s good that you are starting to pack more. haha. i always think it’s more fun to pack that to unload everything, but that’s just me. it’s cool to see the old stuff tucked away in your room that you forgot about or want to forget about! much love hon.

March 18, 2008

Hey girl, you fall off the face of the earth? hehehe