
I spent most of today organizing my scrapbooking supplies, oh, and building the nifty cabinet things I bought to put my scrapbooking stuff in.  They’ll be really cool once I get them in the room.  They would be in there now, but they totally reek like someone just painted them, and maybe sprayed some other nasty chemical stink on them.  Yeah, it’s that bad!  Mom and I stuck them out in the garage with all the drawers open so they can air out!  I’m thinking we’ll leave them out there all week, and hopefully that smell goes away! 

I feel like I kinda wasted my time though.  I mean it’s nice to have all that stuff organized, but I should have been cleaning my room!  I’ve been working on it a little here and there, but it could be so much better!  Next Friday I’m really going to devote some time to it.  It really shouldn’t take too long once I get going. 

As far as weight loss stuff goes, tomorrow is my first official weigh-in of 2007.  I hope it’s decent.  I’m not expecting a miracle, but something close would be nice!  I’m thinking I may even change my start weight, the 248 starting weight is from August 2005… then again, it does remind me of the progress I’ve made. (Speaking of progress, check out my compare and contrast – side note, I spent a lot of time messing around with my page, so I used up the data transfer limit… oops!  So check it out later!)  Ok, I think I will just leave my start weight how it is now.  I all ready changed it from the highest weight starting weight of 272.  I just need to get my butt in gear and lose some more weight, then it won’t even matter.  The only reason I was thinking of doing it anyway is because I was going for that whole "clean slate" thing.  But on second thought, it is a little discouraging to wipe away what little progress I’ve made. 

Right now I really just want to focus on going to the gym and my kickboxing classes and trying to eat right.  I don’t want to get all crazy with it, I mean I really do think that I eat properly, I must, since I haven’t exercised much in the last couple of months, yet my last unofficial weigh-in only showed a 2 pound gain.  And you have to admit, only 2 pounds from November 11 to January 3 is pretty damn good.  Actually, it’s down right impressive what with all the turkey and cookies and everything!  Anyway, I’m just saying that if I make an effort to eat more fruits and veggies and other whole foods, I’m going to be so much better off.

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January 7, 2007

You look great! xxx

January 7, 2007

wow, you look like a different person! much younger too. great job. keep up your routine and i’m sure you’ll melt off much more!