Old friends & New friends

The people with their "simple tip to stop the drip" on my ice cream cones are making me crazy!!  I’ll admit to being some what intrigued as to what their other "make it simple" tips their "team" has, but I refuse to click the link and let their smear campain work on me!! 

So, I called Katrina today. I really don’t like talking to her that much.  I’ve probably said this before…  She’s always bringing up stuff that happened like 10 years ago, and she’s got such a crappy negative attitude!  Exhibit A.  She she sounded bored, hurt even, when I was telling her about Luke.  She’s such a great friend!!  (Yup, the sarcasam is just dripping off that one!)  She did at least agree with me about dad being full of it when he said he’d be ok with it if Luke and I got hitched in Vegas!  Though then she was saying how she didn’t mind, as long as I was happy.  Which sounds all sweet, unless you know her and how she’s thinking, yeah, cause then everyone will be pissed at you, and I’d be your only friend!  Fine, maybe I get a little bitter and crappy when I talk to her too! ~L~  At least I got my laundry put away while I was talking to her!

I wrote to Luke after that, telling him I was tired of my job, and I need to find a new one, and maybe I’ll look for something in Bridgeport (where he’s going to be teaching in September.)  I know, I’ve known the guy a whole month, and I’m all ready thinking about moving in with him!  I’m always rushing head first into these things.  I suppose in a way though, that’s good.  I mean even though I’m a little cautious, I guess I still do love like I haven’t been hurt.  Don’t worry though, I’m paying attention to everything, I’m not going to let myself get caught up in a relationship that isn’t good for me!

I was also telling Luke how it’s funny that I hang out with Tiffany now.  When we first started working togehter, she was such a nightmare!  She’d be all cranky, and you’d think you did something wrong and no one ever really knew what was up with her.  And now she’s like my friend and we hang out, and I never in a million years thought I’d be hanging out with Tiffany! 





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