Not too bad

Today I worked on being a better dieter.  I drank lots of water, I resisted at least 3 tempting food situations, and when mom couldn’t go to kickboxing because her knee was bugging her, I still made sure I got a workout in!  Actually, it worked out all right that mom didn’t want to go to kickboxing.  I was thinking it was a lovely day for a walk anyway!  So I took Maggie with me.  She loves going for walks, even though I know she wishes I could jog, becuase she’d much rather go faster!  I walked for about an hour, and I kept a fairly quick pace, so I got a good work out.  I know I did, even if I was having that feeling of, oh, I didn’t do enough.  Sometimes I get weird like that.  I workout, then I just feel like I should do more, even if I did just walk for an hour!  I suppose that’s a good thing. 

While I was walking, I was very aware of my fat.  Not in a self-concious, everyone is staring at me kind of way, it was more like, this is a whole seperate entity that is not me, and I need to get rid of it.  I really hope I can make some good progress and stick with this for once. All I need to do is push myself a little more…

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I know what you mean I could do it too if I just pushed myself! It’s worth it too so I should be able to force myself. I love nice long walks.

March 29, 2007

I get that feeling when I walk, mostly, too. For some reason I never feel like I actually worked out that much and that I should really do more. An hour is great 🙂

March 29, 2007
March 29, 2007

Great job on the water and the food temptations. I’ve been doing terrible with drinking all my water lately. Great workout, too! 🙂

March 29, 2007

I so know that feeling, like that the fat isn’t really part of you but it’s ‘on’ you or something. Yup, definitely. And good for you making good choices.~jo