Night out

One of the girls at work is leaving. Not like people don’t come and go all the time, but she’s actually been working here for all most 3 years.  One of the other cashiers decided to make a scrapbook album/going way present for her.  Since Bill wasn’t around to have his picture taken (since he only works 3 days a week) someone asked him to do or bring in a drawing of himself.  Here’s what he brought in:

My buddy Bill, one of the few (straight) guys I know who’d draw himself in a tu-tu… ~L~  (How strange is it that I really do know more than one guy that would do something like this? ~L~ Hey, I was an art major!  And maybe I just send out a signal that attracts other freaks…)

Kim and I made a pretty page for Bill’s picture.  I picked out some glittery pink paper, and she got some paris stickers.  In the finished picture, he’s got a cup of coffee in one hand, bagettes in the other, there’s a little eiffel tower in the back ground, and a plate with crescents and a sketch pad at the bottom.  It’s so hilarious!

When I got home, I found some other pictures that I had of a few people that used to work there, but don’t any more, but I figured they would be a nice addition to Amber’s book.  So I had 6 pictures, and I was re-doing the page my picture was on (since it was too plain!) I got two pages done, then I got a phone call from my friends.

So I decided to go out with the girls.  I only have one day off this week, since I stupidly voulenteered myself to do a scrapbook page class on Saturday.  Though I only have to work 4 hours on Wednesday, and only 5 hours on Saturday.  So I thought going out tonight would help make it feel more like a day off!  I had one drink when I got there, then spent the rest of the night "babysitting" a couple of my friends. Girls who are really short and really tiny shouldn’t be doing shots of tequilla!  ~L~ Well, they weren’t too bad.  Not really falling down or throwing up, so that’s good!  Though I was in a bad place self esteem wise.  I just thought, all these guys in here are looking at my cute little friends,  and trying to ignore me.  ~sigh~ I usually don’t feel that way, or I usually don’t really give a damn.  But that night was different.  It kinda sucked.  Though Tawnee’s boyfriend was out with us, and he’s a sweetie, and I was being flirty with him, and he was being flirty back, so that was nice.  It’s great when my friend’s boyfriends realize that I’m just like that, and it doesn’t mean anything, and I’m not really interested in you like that, and they’re nice to me and play along.  (Ok, I don’t really mean that the way it sounds.  I mean even if I were thin, there are probably guys that would take my flirting the wrong way.)

I ended up staying out until 1am, I had to drive one of my friends home.  Tawnee’s boyfriend was a little drunk too, he actually made sure that I wasn’t going to take Margret to her car.  Sheesh.  Yeah, she’s had like 3 shots of tequilla and a long island and god knows what else, she’s barely able to stand up right, and I’m going to take her to her car…  I don’t think so!  (Not only will I never let myself drive even slightly inebriated, I’m certainly not going to let my friends do it!)

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