My weekend *photo edit*

Friday, March 7
This morning mom and I had appointments at the salon!  First, we had breakfast at our favorite place, then we went to the salon where we had an underarm wax, lip wax (cause it was free, and holy god did it hurt!) then we had facials, a deep conditioning hair treatment, then we had our hair and make-up done all pretty! 

When we were leaving the salon, mom was telling Casey (who’s known us for the whole 3 years or so that we’ve been going there) that I was leaving.  Casey had the girls take a vote, and they all raised their hands because they don’t want me to leave!  (Awe, I’m loved!!) Later, I was telling mom, of course I’m going to be back there, they’re cheaper, non-gratuity, and we have to be pampered somewhere!

Then we went to one of our other favorite stores, where mom told the owner that I was moving, and same thing, we’ve been going there since we moved to town, and she was all, you’re moving for a guy?  Then she asked me if he’d proposed yet, and told me I shouldn’t move in with someone who wasn’t going to marry me!  I told her that I’d told him right from the start that I wouldn’t date anyone for make than a year without getting engaged, and that I wouldn’t be engaged for more than a year without getting married!  (Though I guess I’m going to stretch that a little, since I want to get married in October!)  When we left, She said, ok, I’ll give you a year.  I must have gotten a really shocked look on my face, and she says, no, no, I mean to get engaged!  ~L~ I was thinking, sheesh!  No one has faith in relationships any more!!

After we were done there, we went to my new chiropractor.  My mom first started seeing him, then I went earlier this week.  I wish I would have started seeing him earlier, and honestly, I wish we’d gone to him first instead of the other place we were going.  He doesn’t actually crack your back.  He feels around for the muscles that are all tight and applies pressure. It really works, and you’re not all out of whack afterwards!

Luke got there not too long after we got home, then we all went out for Mexican.  I had really wanted Thai! Oh well, it was good to get mom to come out with us. I’m still trying to get her and Luke to talk to each other a bit more!  I think they’re doing a little better.  I still need to keep telling mom all the great things Luke does and says to me!  When we left the restaurant, my car let up this puff of smoke, so I turned it off, and we all looked under the hood, like any of us had a clue what to look for!  When I started it up again, there was no more smoke, but it was making a hissing noise, and idling funny. ~sigh~  I hate having car troubles!

Saturday, march 8
I got woken up around 5am, I don’t think it was entirely intentional, but Luke kept poking me! ~L~ I think I may have a bruise on my hip!  There was about 3 hours of that, he would be all, sorry, I’ll let you sleep… *poke* *poke* ~L~ So finally I gave up and woke up!

I called an made an appointment to get my car looked at.  I talked to my dad and told him what happened, and Luke talked to his dad, and they both said the same thing, it’s probably a vaccume hose.  I didn’t even know cars had vaccume hoses!  So I told the guy at the auto shop that’s what I thought it was, he’s all, oh, and what makes you think that?  I said "because I told my dad what happened and that’s what he said it was!" And the guy laughed. So anyway, I’m hoping this doesn’t cost too much!

Later that day, I packed while Luke took a nap. (no fair!)  I managed to get Luke’s car pretty full, though there was still so much room!  But I didn’t want him having to wait around longer while I figured out what the heck else I should be packing!  And of course I didn’t think of it at the time, but I should have gotten out my list!  Huh… that would have been way too easy!!  ~L~ (Damn it!)  I got most of my clothes packed up, shoes, other random things.  It was really hard for me to let him go without stuffing his car clear full!  ~L~ He keeps telling me that our apartment isn’t that big, and we don’t have a whole lot of room… Silly boy!  He has no idea how much crap I can get into a limited amount of space!  I told him if I could get it into his car, I could certainly get it into our apartment! 

After Luke left, mom and I ran down to the Craft store, they were doing a make and take, which ended up being boring, but oh well!  We came home and did some stuff in the craft room, and watched a movie, then I got ready to go out with the girls.  I’d called Kim and told her I needed a ride, and asked if I could stay the night at her house. She said yes, so she picked me up after she got off of work.  I’d done my hair, which was interesting, and required a lot of gel (the stuff that’s practically like glue!) and a lot of hair spray! I told everyone I hoped they liked my hair this way, because it was never coming out! ~L~

I did my make-up and changed at Kims, we took a little longer getting ready than I thought we would.  Everyone else was there by the time we got there! Oops!  On the bright side, I managed to get completely toasted at Kim’s before we left, so I didn’t have to buy a single drink!  And the best part is that she lives just up the hill from the bar we go to, so we just walk from her house!  Over the next 4 hours or so, I managed to lick at least 6 people (not counting the blow-up doll – um, that sounds all kinds of wrong… ~L~ Jennifer and I went over to the sex shop that’s conveniently located 3 doors down from the bar, and they had a blow up doll in some pirate out fit, and I licked "her" leg… ~L~ The best part? I didn’t remember that at all until Jennifer posted the picture on her MySpace!)  I also hugged some random guy who looked very sad. 

Half of the people I licked…


The sad looking boy… (boobies make boys feel better! ~L~)

And the blow-up doll…

Oh, and in the process of all of this, I was showing Zeb’s cousin Jeff (Zeb is Jennifer’s man) how cool I am, and that I could protect Jennifer (since he and Zeb were talking about leaving) so I’m all, yeah, go ahead, put me in a head lock!  So he did, and I took him out, and sprained the hell out of my ankle in the process!  OUCH!  Fortunately, as I was fairly toasted, I didn’t really feel much at the time.  Unfortunately, I continued walking around and dancing and doing whatever… doh!  The other somewhat positive note, Jeff was allimpressed, since he’s trained in martial arts and jujitsu… ~L~ I rock! (Even if I am a moron!)

Sunday, March 9
At the end of the night, Kim, Courtney and I walked back up the hill to Kim’s place, checked out all the pictures that Kim took. (I slacked off big time, I think I only took like 3 pictures!) Then we passed out!  Since I was going to work with Kim in the morning, we had to get up at 8, so a whole 4 hours latter, we get up and go to work!  I was limping badly, my ankle was so swollen!  And my hair looked all most exactly the same as it did when I went to bed!

So Kim and I go to work, we stopped and got coffee, I got a bagel, and told them I wanted whip cream, no, sour cream, damn it! CREAM CHEESE! on my bagel! ~L~ Kim’s all, are you still drunk?  I said, apparently… Then Ashley brought us some coffee, then I called my mom and told her I needed my ankle brace.  She came down to give it to me and brought Kim and I sausage egg mcmuffins (so evil, I love those stupid things!!) then she saw my ankle and was all, um, no, you can’t walk around or stand or work on that!  So she made me go home. (YEAH!! ~L~) 

So I got to skip one of my last 3 days at work, and I got to go home and relax and take a nap rather than being all wrecked at work all day! ~L~ So maybe, subconciously, I took my ankle out on purpose… Of course, the downside now is that I’m going to be hobbling around while I finish packing!  I did go back latter in the day to put in the order, and I wrote down how to do it, since I was supposed to show Kim, but she has so much other stuff to do that she doesn’t have time to learn it.  But it looks like Bill is going to be taking over, so I figured I’d write it out for him, since I’m not going to be around to show anyone!

Mom made me keep my foot up pretty much all day, I’ve sprained my ankles lots of times before, and I don’t think I’ve ever spoiled any of my injuries as much as this one!  Of course, I think mom saw it as maybe her last chance to take care of me.  It was also nice to have another day to hang out with mom and just chill!

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March 11, 2008

damn, what a fun weekend! the salon with mom, sleeping with the boy, dancing and having fun with the girls, missing work to relax (and help your poor ankle!) sounds like a lot of fun, overall though! hahaha, and you licked a blowup doll and have no recollection of it? priceless 🙂 ryn: dan is here to stay. he just finished his co-op so he’ll be in rochester for this quarter and hopefully

March 11, 2008

during the summer as well. he’s trying to get a co-op out here for the summer which should be easy enough. so he’s here to stay for a bit! 🙂

March 12, 2008

HAHAHA oh my god! you really couldn’t keep that tongue in your mouth! haha, these are so great. i’m glad you had such a good time 🙂