
One thing that makes me feel very secure with Luke is the fact that I miss him so very much when he’s not around, when I can’t talk to him…  I am truely amazed at how much I miss him, and that makes me feel more secure about our decision to move in together.  I assume it’s an official decision anyway! ~L~  I don’t think we ever so much officially talked about it, and he never really said, will you move in with me or anything like that.  We just sort of started talking about it like we’d all ready decided it was going to happen.  I guess pretty much everything about us has been that way.  It’s not a bad thing though, it’s actually pretty nice to have everything come so easily.

Actually, thinking about moving in with him doesn’t really make me nervous, well, it does a little.  Though again, I think that nervousness is completely the fault of those who have crushed me before.  Luke certainly hasn’t done anything wrong, not even in the slightest actually. 

Besides that, it’s a couple of months off anyway, so we’ll have so much more time to be together and talk.  And the more time we spend togehter, and the more we talk, the better I’ll feel about everything.  I think I’m babbling now….

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