Me Again

So I told the lady who I’m working with that I’m looking for another job.  I even applied at stupid Wal mart!  (thank goodness that they didn’t have a question asking if I liked shopping at Target or Walmart!  ~L~)   Though honesly, who whould answer yes to some of the questions they have on there?  How often do you take breaks without permission?  Do you think it’s ok to take things from work?  ~L~ Um, yeah, I like take 6 breaks a day and just take what ever I need!!  Seriously??  Anyway, if nothing else, it’s just another temporary stop over to get me a little closer to home.  I’m planning on applying for para-pro positions at all the local school districts, so then I can have the same hours and days off that Luke has. 

She did ask me if ther was anything they could do to get me to stay, but I don’t think they’d pay my entire gas expense… which would basically be paying me the same hourly wage for the time I spend driving.  Stupid cost of gas… stupid cool newish ford explorer that only gets like 13 miles to the gallon!!  Gah!   But really, if I’m working an 8 hour day, I spend 2 hours driving, and I have to work 2 hours to pay for the gas, so I’m basically taking 10 hours out of my day to get paid for 6 hours… ouch. 

Oh, and in the mean time, I’m also working on building a web site for my own scrapbooking business!  Yeah!  The other night, I made business cards!  It makes me feel so good to be working on this!  I’ve been talking about it for so long!!  Yeah!!  I’ll post the link when I get it completely finished! 

Something else that’s going on this month, the 23 will be one month from the first date I had with Luke!!  Awwww… we still haven’t had a fight, granted, I’ve only been living with him for 51 days… It seems longer than that.  Not in a bad way, it’s more because of the job.  And I still feel like I’ve known him and been with him for so much longer. 


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