Maybe I over did it

I went to the gym tonight, and I swear I was good.  I didn’t go over 2mph on the treadmill, but still, my guts are a bit sore now.  Actually, my poor guts were kinda sore all day today.  I don’t know what the deal is, I’ve been fine all weekend!  Maybe that’s because I didn’t do a whole lot besides make valentines, but I went to work Thursday and Friday and I was fine then too.  Though I did have some trouble sleeping last night because my back is bugging me. (Which is VERY annoying because I’ve never had back problems!) I should call and schedule myself a massage for Thursday… yeah, I need to do that, it would definately help!  So it wasn’t the gym’s fault that my guts hurt!  (Though I’m glad I didn’t do more, because at the time, I really, really felt like doing more!)  Anyway, my doctor appointment is tomorrow, so he’ll check me out and poke around and make sure everything’s ok, which I’m sure it is. (But I don’t think I’ll be going to the gym again until that pain goes away!)

Anyway, besides being tired because I stayed up too late last night (and here I am again at midnight!) my day was all right.  I must admit, the highlight of the day was buying ribbon! As you can see from my valentine, I love ribbon!  (and if you could see the three drawers full of ribbon I have you’d know how deeply my obsession runs!!) I bought this ribbon by the yard from the craft store I work at, the gal that measured it for me loves me, so she gave me a little extra, and more ribbon is a good thing!  ~L~ So tomorrow and the next day I will be winding all my ribbon up properly (because I’m slighly obsessive/cpmpulsive and my ribbon must be stored perfectly!)  So yeah, I think the Advil PM I took is kicking in, because I’m kinda rambling and I’m not sure why I’m still talking about ribbon, so it must be bed time!  

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January 23, 2007

There are worst things to be obsessive complusive about lol RYN: Thanks I try not to let the water thing bother me, but I know it helps to lose weight… so losing weight vs. peeing.. hard decision. So far the not having to pee is winning lol We will take walks together I’m sure once it’s warm, until then it’s inside exercise for me!

January 23, 2007

mmm, i love getting massages. especially back massages. that’s weird that your guts hurt. i’ve never heard of that before, bit it was a good idea that you stopped instead of truckin’ ahead. much love hon!

January 23, 2007

Hope everything goes well at the doctor!

January 23, 2007

Ok…so i do totally mean it when i say that i would be flattered. You are right on top of your valentines things….i just give out chocolate…not even with a note! Haha, ok, my champagne is kicking in. Get a massage…that sounds nice. I restrict myself to massages only on vacation…that way i wont get them during the rest of the time!