Maybe? I don’t know…

The new frame shop "manager" started today.  She actually seems really nice.  I’m really happy about that.  It’s rare that I don’t get along with someone, even if they’re horrid, I still try to be as nice as I can, but that’s hard with some people!  Fortunately, I don’t think that will be an issue at all!  Also, the corprate lady for the frame shops was in today, and I talked to her about a few things, and I think she talked to management about not having me close, since having me there in the mornings would be better.  That would be awesome if I didn’t have to close any more!  Woo!!  She also gave me some insight on how I might better manage the frame shop.  Hey, look at that, some actual, useful advice!  Why didn’t I think of that!?!  ~L~ I think I might talk to her tomorrow about a couple of other things as well.  I mean it couldn’t hurt to ask her if she thinks I should be getting paid more… ~L~  Now I’m wondering if maybe, if things actually got better, if I wouldn’t stay… Hum… I’ll have to put a lot of thought into that one.  It did make me happy thinking about being out of there, but I have to consider what would have to change so that I could be happy there.

I did kind of a bad thing the other night, I took a pair of scissors to the back of my hair… All right, it doesn’t look too bad, I just wanted to trim that hair on the back of my head that always seems to be longer than what I want it to be!  Though on one side I did get my A-line a little asymmetrical.  Oops!  Oh well, I have an appointment on Friday to get my hair cut and colored.  I think I’ll end up super blonde for a while, it’ll be fun!

on the 25th, mom and I have appointments for facials.  She actually won this whole spa gift certificate last month.  It came with a ton of stuff, one hour massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and some accupuncture thing.  I think there might have been something else too… Anyway, she tried to get us appointments for this Friday, as a mother’s day thing, but they were booked up, so she made the appointment for the 25th instead.  This is actually a good thing, because I’d said to myself before that I was going to reserve things like that for special treats when I meet my weight loss goals.  Basically, it gives me a week and a half to make some kind of goddamned effort and hopefully, I’ll have made some good progress and really feel like I deserve a reward!  

I’ve all ready made some what of an effort, mom and I walked tonight!  Yeah!  It’s about damn time!  Mom said I was going too fast for her!  I guess I’m still in pretty good shape then!  It felt so good to be out walking again!  I was sure to put on a lot of sunscreen too, at least on my top half.  My arms and shoulders do ok, but my face will burn bad if I’m not careful!  I didn’t put anything on my legs though, I wore shorts, and I want to TRY and get my legs somewhat tanned!

Random thing, my mom sometimes gets up in the middle of the night if her dog wakes her up or something. So she’ll come let my dog out too, and if I’m up, she’ll make some comment like, "Why are you still awake" or "Go to bed!"  And that just annoys the hell out of me.  I mean if I did something to wake you up, then fine, yell at me for it, but don’t get mad at me just because I’m still awake. I’m an adult and I can stay up all damn night if I want to!  Ugh!  Huh, maybe that’s part of the reason I do stay up so late, rebellion.  That sounds stupid even to me, but I’m afraid it’s true.

Other than that, you guys know I love my mom to bits!  She’s my favorite person ever!  Just sometimes… but that’s it, only sometimes! 

After our walk tonight, we went down to Lowes and bought some plants.  We found some irisis for 75% off, we bought an evergreen clamatis to climb along the back fence, a purple wild rose bush, some other random plants, and I got a chocolate bell pepper start.  I never knew they made a chocolate bell pepper!  So of course I had to get one!  Oh, and we also had a load of soil dropped off today.  A good mix to go in the garden area.  We’re puttling the garden where all the trees used to be, since ther wasn’t any grass or weeds there before!  We’re really excited about the soil and being able to get started on our garden!  I’ll have to draw out a good diagram of how we’re going to fancify the back yard!  It’s going to look so awesome!!

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May 9, 2007

it’s good that your job is getting better. maybe it would be worth it to stick around for awhile. if you enjoy it and you’re happy there. oooh, facials sound like a good idea. i’ve never gotten one myself but it’s nice to treat yourself every once in a while. good bonding time with your mama! good job going for the walk. i need to start doing that again. . . much love hon.

May 9, 2007

Mums are the best. It’s mother’s day in Australia this Sunday. I’m going to take my mum out for lunch. I love her heaps. Although she does smother me quite a bit… urgh! Hope you manage to fix your hair up. I’ve taken to my hair many a time on a whim and stuffed it up =)

Ahh facials. I want one now and May 25th is the day before my birthday too. Lucky you. Good for you for putting in some effort I did as well. It feels great.