Luke’s Back

(another post-dated entry)  I’ve been meaning to update, but I just tend to get distracted and want to spend all my time with Luke! He got back a couple of weeks ago, it was good timing, since I had a three day weekend not too long after he got back.

So we drove over to the coast, went across Whidbe island and went over to the peninsula and stayed a couple of nights at the Dungeness Recreation area campground. We actually got the last camp spot there! It’s a really great place, and there was a trail you could take down to the beach, so we walked down there both nights and enjoyed the ocean.

One day we went over to Port Townsend and visited the beach there, they had a marine exhibit and a natural history exhibit. The Marine one was really cool, we got to feed crabs and sea urchins other things. We had a really great time all in all, and we were both saying how we’d love to live in a little town by the ocean. Maybe some day!

I haven’t exactly been sticking to my diet, but I haven’t gained any weight back either. On Tuesday, Luke and I are going to visit my dad until Sunday, I think we’re going to have a really great time. My dad is so much better with Shawna around, and he really likes Luke, so I think everything is going to go really well. Luke and I are planning on going huckleberry picking, we’re going to be there durring down river days, the annual Ione to-do. We’re probably going to catch a play and check out some of the trails in the area. I’m really excited about that, I’ve always wanted to go hiking on a lot of the trails around Ione, but I’ve never had anyone to go with, so it’ll be great!

Anyway, after we get back from Ione, I’m going to go back on the South Beach diet as closely as I can. I don’t know if I want to do the strict phase again, but I might just stick to it as closely as I can. Actually, I might to the strict phase again, since I know Luke will be really helpful.

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