Long time no see

I live!  Yes, I know it’s been ages, but there’s been a lot going on.  First, the boy I was oh-so-in-love with moved back to California.  It was sad, but there was just something with us where we ended up arguing a lot.  He left in August, and I was a little upset about the whole thing for a while, but I got over it. 

Then I got a promotion at work, the manager of the frame shop I work in retired, so the store manager made me the head framer. (Because 2 1/2 years of experiance and a college education aparently does not qualify me to the the official department manager…) Ok, really, I’m not that bitter about it, they are paying me pretty well.  Anyway, I pretty much jumped into the job without a whole lot of training, so it’s been an interesting experiance.  And even better, Christmas is of course the busiest time of the year for us, so I got to take over just before all the chaos hit.  Lovely.  I survived though, and everything that needed to be done got done.  It’s still a challenge though. 

So now, it’s that time of year when we all make wonderfully ambitious goals for our selves and feel all motivated for about a week or so.   Well, I’m going to hope I feel motivated for more than a week or so.  Though I must admit, it was a bit disheartening to read back on the entries I’ve written, specifically the one from last December going on about how I could follow that swell spark people site and be at my goal by this time this year…  ~sigh~  I don’t think I’m going to bother projecting my weight loss any more.  Actually, I must say, with all the changes and stresses I’ve had this year, I’d say maintaining my weight has been quite an accomplishment. 

I haven’t weighed myself recently, but the last time I had, I was doing pretty well.  It’s really amazing considering all that fast food I’ve eaten over the past month.  With as busy as I was at work, I was just eating whatever was quick, which, ugh, started really making me feel ill.  Not physically really, but just thinking about the lack of substance in that food… if you can call it that.  It did have a good side effect though, I went to the store and bought some fruit and naked juice and nuts and all sorts of good stuff.  So hopefully, this desire to eat more natural foods will stick with me. 

I’m also really anxious to get back to the gym and my kicboxing classes.  I actually went to kickboxing tonight, it was a great workout (as always) and it didn’t totally kill me, so I’m not completely out of shape!  The last four days I’ve been shoveling snow, so I’ve been getting pretty good workouts that way! 

All right, I think this is a fairly decent catch-up entry, so I’m going to leave it at this for now!

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